Where Can I Get A V3?


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Well-known member
May 22, 2005
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Pittsburgh, PA
It seems that everyone already has a V3 but me. Where on earth can I get one?

*I cant get one from ebay, or any other online store*

I already checked Target' and Toys R Us'.

Toys R Us get a new shipment once a week here. I am in Vancouver Canada. Keep phoning them, eventually they will get more. If they are really nice they will hold one for you (until closing time) on the day you phone. My Toys R Us did that for me.

Well, you should be able to get a version 3 from Ebay- check again last time I lokked there was a stock!!!

Also WALMART Is selling version 3s: It has been said ( I don't kow If it is a rumor or a actual statement)



In Australia (near me anyway) K-mart had them in stock first and they had lots of them.

Big W still doesn't have them.

It seems that everyone already has a V3 but me. Where on earth can I get one?
*I cant get one from ebay, or any other online store*

I already checked Target' and Toys R Us'.
Well, I live in ontario, Canada. If you live in canada. . .you are out of luck untill march 9th.

Thanks you guys. The information is really helping. I will call around to see if anyone has them, this time. My mom doesn't like driving around for nothing. XD

It seems that everyone already has a V3 but me. Where on earth can I get one?
*I cant get one from ebay, or any other online store*

I already checked Target' and Toys R Us'.
I went on EBAY and I saw a Translucent Yello one. Check again. If you buy it, it will come from Cailiafornia. :furawatchi: :wacko: :ph34r: :lol: B) :D :D :D :D :D

I already said that I cant buy one from ebay. I dont have a credit card, which is needed to sign up for ebay. I think I'll stop by Walmart later, and check.

Hi there I got my Version 3 last night at walmart with my girlfriend.

were raising them up togeather she has a girl I got a boy pretty cool

You just got one last night?! Crap. I was out shopping for them last night. >_< I went to all the wrong stores.

I checked the Walmart site, it said they were out of stock. Maybe I should go anyway...

You just got one last night?! Crap. I was out shopping for them last night. >_< I went to all the wrong stores.
I checked the Walmart site, it said they were out of stock. Maybe I should go anyway...
actually I got 2 walmart had every different style on a big rack, must have been 200 of them.

I got the silver/Black one and my girlfriend got the green with pink flower one.

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