where can i get a V4?


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Jan 24, 2007
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I have looked EVERYWHERE on the net I can think of for a tamagotchi jinsei and NOT ONE SINGLE PLACE was selling from an actual shop.There were plenty on Amazon and Ebay,but argos,woolworths,asda,tesco,toys r us,sainsburys and many others didn't even recognise the words! I live in England and I always thought that the jinsei was going to come out Jan-Feb time. Well,it's nearly the end of January,but I certainly don't see one!

So can anyone from the UK tell me where you can get one please? I would need it to be from an argos-type of place.

Thanks for reading this large amount of drivel that i've just written.

total_tama_freak :furawatchi:

Really? V4s should have come to where you live by now. (Or soon, by the looks of things) I don't think Argos has any at present, but they might have some soon.

i guess not all places have the v4 shipment in yet or they're just to lazy to open the boxes up. Like Toronto, Canada ... i expected them to be in mid-january but it wasnt in stores on the 21st. -.-" I guess it'll be coming out for sure in February to mid-February.

Thanks guys.

Oh well,if i've been waiting since the V3 came out half a month SHOULDN'T make any difference,but you never know when I might go crazy while waiting.......lol :lol:

You should go to Toys R us, Wal-Mart, the mall, and Target's. That's all I could think of. These are the only main stores I can think of.

Hope you get a Tamagotchi V4. :rolleyes:

thats exactly wot i asked but wen it is out i kno the Osterely and extra southall Tescos both will have them because my uncle is the owner and hes promised. :) ;) :rolleyes: :D :eek: :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes: :p B) :p

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