Where can you get a V4?


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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2007
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I know the version four has just come out recently.

And I really want it.

I live in the U.S.


I know Toysrus has them and I think Target might.


the nearest of both stores is very far away.

And the only store near me that sells Tamagotchi's is Wal-mart.

I checked their website and they didn't seem to have any V4.

Can someone please find out when they are coming to Walmart?

Or if you know any other stores that you can get tamagotchi's from.

(not any online only stores please)

It would be VERY well appreciated!!

Please help me if you can ..

With VERY much appreciation,

your fellow Tamatalk friend,


i know its far away from u, but their selling them at the menefy target!!! :) although i did get the last 1 last night... :lol: but who knows??? :) they could have re-stalked!!! :D


I know about Target.

But, it's far away and that is a bigger problom for me that you think.

You see,

my parents work a lot,

and i can not drive.

When ever i do see them,

they will take me places and stuff.

But, they are too tired to take me anywhere far.

Especially considering the fact that the nearest target is two states away.

And, that is at least four hours away.

So, the only places I can go to get tamas are places near me,

like Wal-mart.


I am not allowed to buy them off the interent because my parents are not too fond of the idea of putting their credit card number on the internet, where something may happen.


that still leaves me with the same question. :)


Please reply.

I am litterally dying to know!

And a v4 is all i want!

so if you have any information,

PLEASE, reply!

thanks very much to those of you who have it is very well appreciated

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