where do I buy pet in tamagotchi v5?


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Mar 22, 2008
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I bot a tamagotchi and It's v5,DO v5 have pets too?? :eek: ;) ;)

When you get a pure family you get "a" pet.It appears whenever you hit the C button.Depending on what family you get depends on the pet.

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okay,thank you!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :eek: ;) ;)

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   just read the instructions  duh!   
No need to get nasty. He or she just got the v5 so he or she wouldn't know much. And anyway the instructions hardly help.

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[SIZE=10pt]You will get [/SIZE]a pet if you get a pure family. It will appear when you hit the C button, and it depends on what family you have to the type of pet you get.


Hope I helped :eek:


Best Wishes


[SIZE=10pt]You will get [/SIZE]a pet if you get a pure family. It will appear when you hit the C button, and it depends on what family you have to the type of pet you get. 

Hope I helped :eek:


Best Wishes


UMM i'm not being mean or anything but someone already said that.

Just to add to that, click here to see what the pets look like. Each pure bred family has them at the end of the rows! :D

I have a chmametchi and a mamekatchi and a papapatchi and a mamametchi what type of family is that?? :angry: :p :mellow:

[SIZE=21pt]Can blended family change to pure family ???[/SIZE] :furawatchi: :wacko:
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Yes, these are the ways.

If you have a mametchi mate it on the dating show (or with another v5) with chantotchi and you will get mame family (mametchi, chamametchi, papamametchi mamametchi and pet bagubagutchi).

If you have a memetchi mate it on the dating show (or with another v5) with mumutchi and you will get meme family (memetchi, imotchi, memepapatchi, mememamatchi and pet chitchi).

If you have kuchipatchi mate it on the dating show (or with another v5) with yonepatchi and you will get kuchi family (kuchipatchi, chibipatchi, papapatchi, mamapatchi and pet on sen moduratchi).

If you have violetchi mate it on the dating show (or with another v5) with sukatchi and you will get violet family (violetchi, kizatchi, papakizatchi, mamavioletchi and pet hanatarezoutchi).

Or you could get space charachter by mating any tamagotchi with sunnytchi on dating show (iawtchi, hoshitchi, mikazukitchi, sunnytchi and planetchi).

Or you could get secret charachters by feeding hatugatchi sesame pudding to get kuromametchi or give watatchi girl's dresser to get makiko (kuromametchi, makiko, papakurotchi and majorite)

More information here.

Hope this helped :furawatchi:

what will chmametchi and mamekatchi grow into

chametchi will grow into this > if 100% bond and you used the first option each time you disciplined her you will get chantotchi if you have 40-70% bond you will get mamavioletchi and 0-30% bond you will get lovezutchi.

If you hace 100% bond and used the second option each time you disciplined her you will get mumutchi if you have 40-70% you will get onputchi and if you have 0-30% bond you will get watatchi.

if you have 100% bond and used the third option each time you disciplined her you will get hotteatchi if you have 40-70% you will get yonepatchi and if you have 0-30% you will get potetchi.

Mametchi will grow into papamametchi if you marry him to chantotchi. (this information is available on the link i gave you on the last post, please read that properly and then you won't have to ask this)

Hope this helped :kusatchi:

what's the first option and the second option and the third option means???

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