Where do you usually...?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Pennsylvania ;D
title :D

For me, I usually hear new songs by:

*Getting videos sent to me and I like song in the video

*I look up artists I like and listen to more of their songs

*People recommend songs/bands/artists and I go from there

*Radio (Rarely)

*TV (Used to, now it's rare)

How about YOU? O:

Usually the iTunes top songs, and the radio.

And sometimes when they get singers to perform on reality TV shows to promote their new songs.

Here is a big one XD

And if I find a band I really, really like, I look up the record label and look for other bands they have signed. I usually end up liking whatever the label has signed x3 (Does that make sense...?) (i.e. Fueled by Ramen, Hopeless Records, S-Curve Records, etc)

Umm, usually the TV and the radio.

Or it just somehow comes around to me.

WEIWEI. She just tells me about random musicians and then their songs become my favourite songs of all time. I don't know why, but her music taste is waaay too similiar to mine. xD

Radio and I browse YouTube in the related videos and such.

Also I YT some songs people list in the "What are you listening to" Topic.

Lol, if I find a CD with a cool cover or cool song title, I buy the CD [if I don't like it, I'll sell it or give it to a friend lol], and if I like them, I'll go to their MySpace, and look at what bands are in their friend's list, and look at their music and yeah.

Otherwise, I just ask friends, watch TV.

And yeah like Cinderpelt said, sometimes I'll go to the label website and look at the other bands they've got signed :)

Usually, purevolume.

Or luck, really.

The rado.

Label searching.

Interesting sounding names of songs/bands.
