Where is the stangest place you've taken a tama?


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Aug 20, 2005
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Let's face it. Most of us are bound to take our Tamas everywhere we go. And on several occassions they'll have gone with you to somewhere unusual, right? I've just got back from a holiday in Bridlington (England) and took my Tamas with me on a 2 hour cruise to Bempton cliffes. So what I would be interested to know is can anyone beat that? Where is the stangest place you've ever taken a Tamagotchi? :pochitchi:

I've taken my Tama's to Wisconsin before, but it's not THAT interesting because I live in northern Illinois...

In two more months, my Tama's will be going with me to SOUTH AFRICA!!! YAAAY!! :pochitchi:

there is already a topic like this in "Free Tamagotchi Contests" but I guess this is a little different.But I've taken mine into the arch of St. Louis, they've been on two planes, and a bunch of other places.

well i just got my tamagotchi a month ago but.....

*i took my tamagotchi to my string music class(violins,violas,cellos etc.) and i had to stop playing because my tamagotchi was crying.i kept stopping in middle of songs

*i was playing a really long song (about 4 pages) on the piano. all of a sudden my tamagotchi pooped so i stopped playing and took care of my tamagotchi

* i put my tamagotchi on the toilet while im taking a shower

*my tamagotchi sleeps next to me

*i play with my tamagotchi in the toilet

*it is ALWAYS around my neck and i never take it off(until i take a shower)

well so i havn't been to any special places but im VERY close to it!

I brought my tama to Disneyland and I wore my tama around my neck the whole time and then I rode 'The Pirates of the Carribean' and then my tama almost flew off my neck. :angry:

My tamas have been everywhere with me even the toilet!

I was in the middle of playing a game with them you see lol. I leave them in a different room when I have a shower though as our bathroom gets very steamed up even with the fan going. We can't take the phone in anymore as it gets affected by it!!!

Apart from that I haven't been on holiday in years, but they've been to all the shops I've been to, diy ones, pet ones, everything lol.

Hmmm.... My tama has been to the Gold Coast.



My friends tama went to India with her, and she left it there for her cousins. :huh:

I've taken mine with me to the toilet. I basically take it everywhere, and I haven't been anywhere interesting recently.

EDIT: I took my v1 to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

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I've taken mine with me to the toilet. I basically take it everywhere, and I haven't been anywhere interesting recently.
EDIT: I took my v1 to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.
hehe! thats funny loldc x

I just got my V2 the other day, but I do pretty much everything with it. When I'm on the toilet, I play games with it. When I sleep, it sleeps in this little bed I made for it. Also, sometimes my and my friend who also loves Tamas (her's is a V2 named Giga), we go to the playground when we're really bored and we push our Tamas on the swings. Really slowly though so they don't fall off and get scratched! We're really paranoid about that :huh: . Hahaha. I've also taken it to the pool, but it stays far away from the edge so it doesn't fall in.

I'm hoping to take it more places in the future!

ya i take my tamas everywhere, Target, the bathroom, School(dont tell my parents lol) Tenasee,. yup

ermm...i dont really remember maybe the libery[sp] or to..ummm...the grosery[sp] store?

Mine's been up the Eiffel Tower with me!!!!! It's also been to the beach loads of times, it's been to Alton Towers, Belgium, and work with me. Oh, and Morris Dancing in a Yorkshire village!! That was my very first tamagotchi, in the summer of 1997!!! Wow what a long time ago!!!

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Yikes! There's been some interesting places here. :D At least now I know I'm not the only one who takes care of them on the toilet lol. :)

Ahem! T.M.I (Too Much Information) aside, let's keep 'em coming!

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