Where to Buy Tamagotchi's ?


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2013
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Hey guys,

I just want to know where can you buy tamagotchi's in Canada?

Can you tell me some of the good websites where you guys use to buy tamagotchi's ?

Are there any local stores ( such as costco or something, idk) where you can buy tamagotchis?

Because its hard to buy them internationally , as shipping is so much cost !

My friend also told me that maybe costco or this place called " Flea Market" might sell them....

Do any of you guys know if they sell it there? I have never been to Flea Market or what so ever so I dont know if they sell it there...as per costco, we lost our costco card so I have no idea!

Please reply! I really want to buy tamagotchis soon! :) :D :p

Thanks in advance guys :D looking forward for replies!

you can use ebay, and i think amazon as well, thi is as far as i know

also, i don't think that they mean a certain shop by "flea market", a flea market is where people sell all kinds of stuff they have and want to get rid of. If you're lucky, you may find a tama there!

Currently you can't buy any tamagotchi in stores. Maybe some have leftover Tama Go's, but it's not very likely.

Oh I see....so thats what a Flea Market is! :p

If any of you got any idea or if you live in Canada, then please feel free to reply!

I would say ebay is your best bet, they have just about every version and you can often times find fairly good deals! Amazon has a few tamas with prices ranging from standard to too much so I wouldn't highly recommend it although they are a very trustworthy site. Next if you're looking for Japanese websites try cd Japan or hobby link Japan or ami ami they often have good deals but also have limited stocks and go out of stock often... Now as people have said most store don't carry tamas if any did it would be a flea market of sorts or like a second hand shop.

To be honest, online shopping is your only hope if you don't want TamaGO's and the figures

Hmmm...oh well yah as for Amazon, my brother only trusts that website. I guess I have to stick with ebay....maybe like 2nd hand stores like Flea Market or something sells it....

Do any of you guys new trusted websites that selll tamagotchis ( other than ebay and amazon) ? Please reply :)

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maybe like 2nd hand stores like Flea Market or something sells it....
flea markets aren't shops lol (it's just a place where people come sitting next to the road and sell stuff, the place changes sometimes)

also, if you want to go to a flea market, you need to inform yourself as of where and when the flea market is,and if there are tamas you should hurry i think, because children might be interested and buy it before you get the chance to do so

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