Where's Your Computer?


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My laptop can go anywhere but I like to sit on the comfy chair in the lounge or on the coffee table. My room is too far from sugary food and decent TV.

The desktop is in the smaller longue, oppisite the dining area and beside the kitchen.

my laptop is beside the family computer, and they both share one ethernet cable. so Only one person can be on the computer or laptop at one time. it sucks.

Mini Eee PC laptop things FTW!

Yeaaah, my lappy's a tiny thing indeed. But I loveee it.

It's usually in my room, though it's been in many places. I practically spend every minute of my life sitting on my bed with my lappy [which happens to be named Weiwei! 8D]. Occasionally I'll go in the lounge to watch some TV, but the internet connection is pretty bad in there, so I tend to stay in my room :) I should experiment with the walls and my cushions, and possibly make a happy little sitting space in my room!

My computer's in my room, and it's a bit slow sometimes but it is pretty awesome. The day I got the internet in my room I was so happy :p and my iPod (which I got recently) would be empty without it, and it's right by my bed, so I have to sit on my bed to use it. :furawatchi:

Tama :D Phantom

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I've got a laptop. But it generally stays in my room, where I am. o:

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My laptops are in my room(or wherever I go), my main PC is in the room next to mine, and the other two non-working PCs are in the room connected to the room next to mine XD

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