Which more "advanced" Tama should I get? Suggestions needed!


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
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Kansas, U.S.A.
If I were to get one of the relatively newer, more advanced Tamagotchi, I'd like to know which one you guys recommend I get. I've seen so much about TMGC+C, iDL, Profy, Princess Spacy...even some of the versions that came out before those. I have a ton of older and rare Tamas, but none of these newer ones. I need some suggestions, personal experiences and thoughts, etc. to help guide me in the right purchasing direction! :)

iD L all the way!

I have the original iD L, and I played with it for a good 10 months before taking a temporary hiatus. I think I'll start it up after school is over.

It has 32 characters so you'll never "get one" too much, and it has unlockable destinations to keep you interested.

You can plant seeds, which is one of my favorite features. You never know what'll come up, whether it's one of (two or) three options, or maybe it will die. It's always a surprise. ^_^

My favorite feature has to be the ability to get even more features... DOWNLOADS have to be the best part. You can get everything from more clothes to more restaurant options, more wallpapers and different seeds, plus some of the Henshin-Jo characters need downloads to turn into their alter-egos.

Unlike the black and white Tamas, you can dress up your characters! It's priceless to see them walking around in little outfits that you put them in.

Also unlike the black and white Tamas, you can see the color Tamas in the dark, which is a fantastic bonus.

Now, if you're interested in an iD L, take into consideration the 3 different kinds: The original (which I personally love), the 15th Anniversary Ver. (Very good collector's version), and the Princess Spacy Ver. which isn't that different than the original; Everything is the same, except with three different adults, different games, and a whole lot of pink!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

^ In addition to what Violetchilluvr3 has said, you can actually "keep" your character. When your Tama on your iD L becomes an adult, it stops aging and you can have them live as long as you want, as long as you keep them well taken care of. :)

The only "newer" Tamagotchi I have is the ID L, and it's pretty awesome but go for the 15th Anniversary iD L because it has lots of special characters that were chosen in a 15th Anniversary poll. (The 15th Anniversary one was actually what I ordered, but I got a normal one instead. Sigh...) It's also pretty straightforward to get the character you want, and I love collecting Happy Symbols for each character. When you find all the favorite items of a certain number of characters, you unlock a new destination and you can even change the icon theme! :D

I can give a full comparison tomorrow when I get my 15th Anniversary iD L, but I have an iD L and a Princess Spacy and out of those two it's the iD L all the way. The Princess Spacy is not better, only girlier. It has no new features; if you're not collecting (like me) of after something pink and girly, don't get it.

I'm a firm believer that all tamagotchis are awesome. xD I only have one colour, the iD L, which I love to bits. (I'm currently on a "quest" to get a 15th Anniversary, LOL) I would recommend taking all these opinions, reading up on these tamagotchis, and then go and read logs featuring each of these versions. However, if you only have to choose one, I say go for the regular iD L or the 15th Anniversary, like Violetchilluvr3 said. Also, if you want a different sort of tama, the TamaProfy is probably one you'll want to try.

Bear in mind that you might want to grab something OTHER than a regular iD L first because when you do an eBay search for them, they are the most common and cheapest, as opposed to the 15th Anniversary or any other colour tamas around.

Good luck in deciding! :)

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If you're thinking about getting a Tama Profy, from what I've heard, it is very language heavy so don't get it if you don''t read Japanese.

Also, the best way to get a feel for a certain Tama (other than playing with it, of course), is to read a log about it.

Do you have any certain kind of Tama in mind?

I really enjoy the 15th anniversary IDL, i have both the regular and 15th anniversary, and prefer the anniversary. Its the newest version i think that be good to try, but i wouldnt call it advanced by n e means. Its actually one of the more simpler tamas to care for i think.. Cause you just raise the characters, feed them, and play with them. Figuring out each little characters happy symbols is hardly a challenge either..but its very cute (and worth it) to see tamas in color.

15th Anniversary all the way! It beats the iD L just by the games, room remodels, and items. I'm tempted to play games all night to earn GP to buy that in-game stuff!

I have an ID L and ID L 15th Anniversary. I like them both a lot. I'm actually probably one of the few people who think the lack of oldies in them are a bad thing though. I like the oldies characters.

I don't think anyone has mentioned the amount of downloads currently available for the ID Ls. Here's a link. Your best bet is to find the newest "collection" of downloads because there are a lot of them (over 900 I think).

Well, just a note to say that I don't recommend the Nano. XD It's fun, but the simplest Tama ever. But it's okay if you just want a small, cute Tama that's easy to look after. :)

If you like the Vintages, you'll probably like the Nano. It's very simple in gameplay, it has one (very fun!) game, and one food and snack option. It doesn't grow old, get married, have babies, ect.

It's very easy to carry around, which may be something you're interested in.

Keep in mind that it's in Japanese. ;)

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