Which one you do really want for Christmas this year?


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All I want is the 3DS!!!! And I know it won't be out by Christmas, but I want my parents to pre-order it for me as a christmas gift.

Tamagotchi nano


Tamagotchi angel

Tamagotchi Ocean

Tamagotchi v4

Tamagotchi v4.5

Tamagotchi Familitchi CELEBRITY

^Just got one. ;)

Oh.. I can't choose.. I have a bunch I really want.. Is that ok?


Here it is:

A Loyal Army Ribs Hoodie (Its got like multi coloured ribs on it, really cool looking)

TokiDoki Doodle Shopper Bag (This is £50 nearly £60!! I doubt I'll get this but you can hope :] )

Skelanimals Chungee Panda Bag (This is just really cute, it would make the best school bag)

Crowded Teeth Bunny Bag (This is just one of the cute nessesities, that I don't need but love?)

Loungefly Reversible Word Bubble Bag (Just plain cute and looks really fun, you can draw on it and yeah..)

Horseradish By Lemony Snicket (Yeah, I'm not just about bags and clothes)

Sassoon White Divine Hair Straightener (I'm about HAIR, joking.. My hair is just a spaz needing some restraints)

A Black Flip Cam (I want to be a directer when I'm older so better get started now)

Simply Ten Tote Bag(I love David Tennant, end of)

Its a Fez Tote Bag (But theres nothing wrong with Matt Smith)

PaperChase gift card (Its the best stationary/arty/knicks and knacks shop EVER)


Ok thats what I REALLY want but theres a bunch of other stocking fillers, ect stuff too :]

Cool to everyone get your dream hope for this year for a holidays. You will have a great and a fun during the holidays this year.

I want some new game making software or some electronic bits and pieces! ^_^

I let my inner nerd come out this christmas >.<

All I want is for all my darling little Tamagotchis to grow up strong and healthy! :) :wacko: :D

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