Which one?


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Apr 21, 2008
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which tama should i get???????? well, which one do you consider better???????? :angry: :p ^_^ :angry:



Earitha ;)

In my opinion,i would get the v5 because it is different to the other version and you can raise multiple characters.The V4 is also pretty good so i would get one of them,good luck choosing!

take the v5.5!!! duh...

i mean its like the newest and its sorta a mixture of v5 and v4,v4.5 becasue there's like a job and a family


I would say v5 there is so much more to it!! plus you get to raise three people at once

I would choose v5 because it is new and you could raise a whole family! I like it because it is different.

Hope this helped! :p :p

take the v5.5!!! duh...i mean its like the newest and its sorta a mixture of v5 and v4,v4.5 becasue there's like a job and a family

I'm afraid earitha was only talking about the V4, V4.5, an V5. And the V5 has no jobs, so I don't think the V5.5 will, but then again I've never heard that much about the new V5.5. Correct me if I'm wrong here.


The newest doesn't necessarily mean it's the best...


I would have to say the V4. It's challenging because you can earn skill points and have cool Tama-jobs that pay a lot if you work a lot. The V4.5 is like that, but with different skill points, characters, and jobs. A lot of people say they don't like the V5, but I do. I think it's really clever to raise a family and play games as a family. A bond percentage can determine which kind of family you get. Instead of having to worry about the Matchmaker and you being on time to catch her, there's a Dating Show that you can access any time two days after your Tama's turn into adults.


Or, if you can, just get all of them! ;) :lol: :p

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1. The V5.5 is essentially the same as the V5, the V5.5/Famitama Royal doesn't have jobs.

2. I would recommend the V5/Famitama the most, due to the fact that the mail feature from the V4/V4.5 can get annoying.

I personally would pick the V5! It has more to do and is different from other versions plus you are not condemed to raising 1 tama you now can raise a family!

That's what i would pick but the choice is yours!


i think you should get the v5 cuz its the newest and if you get v4 or v4.5 then youll start to want the v5...

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