Which tama should I get?


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2009
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Davie, FL
I have 15$ and IDK whick one to buy.Vote and tell me which one you think I should buy. :) :)

Please no comments like "No not this one it sucks"only positive comment please. :p

Well, I don't have a Music Star yet, but I've heard they're pretty good. I'm actually considering getting one myself, seeing as I happen to play piano and clarinet in real life haha.

My favourite out of the other five versions is the v1. It's simple and doesn't require much care and shows what Tamagotchi is all about without adding too much fancy stuff: caring for a pet. You may wish to run this one alongside another version though, since it's very low maintennance.

My opinion would be to get a music star.

but only you can decide which tamagotchi you want.

MUsic Stars are the best, I've just got one for a while, but it's best!

*Topic moved to 'What's On Your Mind'*

I'm like the only one sticking up for v5! I have a music star and their OK. Plus aren't v1, v2, and v3 like impossible to find? I mean with out spending $100 on ebay? V4.5 is cool to. It has fun games. =D

I think it depends on your preference. If you like focusing on the Tamagotchi Pet itself, go for the lower versions. If you like messing with the Internet and getting jobs and stuff, get one of the higher versions.

I dunno a lot about v6's yet, 'cause I dun' have one, but... I've heard they're better for people who already have some Tama's :) If I were you, I would buy a v2-4! They rock! :) (v1 doesn't have a pause-thing, so it's not so good, and v5 is very boring in my opinion...)

I recommend the Music Star! It's pretty fun. Oh how I wish I knew where mine was. v__v; It's pretty fun.

I would consider a Music star or a v5.5 because both are very entertaining,the Music Star brings back alot of the old characters and it would be good to get some of the oldies XD.

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