Which Tamagotchi device should I get?


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Feb 16, 2012
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Hey guys, I've been playing the Hatchi app on my iPhone lately, and I feel that it's lacking in features at the moment. I want to actually get the real deal, a legit Tamagotchi. I haven't purchased one since they originally came out, so I don't know which one to get these days. I'm looking for the best version that's easily obtainable pretty much, something that'll last me a long, long time.

I was originally going to get a Pokemon Pikachu 2, but those seem to be going for a ton of money these days. I also see that the newest Tamagotchis are Japanese only. I don't mind using a Japanese one as long as it's still easy to use, and that I'll be able to tell what's going on. If possible though, I'd like an English one.

Thanks in advance, looking forward to all the nostalgia that'll come with a real Tamagotchi.

In my opinion, my favorite tamagotchi is the Tamagotchi ID L. It's in Japanese, but it is still fairly easy to use. What really helped me are the ID L guides in English. You can tell what's going on, but when a character talks to another character, you really don't know what they're saying. It's fairly obtainable. You can get them from eBay and some Japan toy websites. I also like the tamagotchi V4.5 and the tamagotchi nano as well.

Well, that's a matter of opinion as to 'which one is the best'.

I wouldn't recommend starting out with a Japanese Color one; get a couple others first to prove that you can stick with Tamas and not get bored of them.

That being said, you should probably start out with the Connections.

V1-3 are pretty basic in features and are good if you don't get bored easily.

V4 & V4.5 are fairly easy to take care of. They have more features and can keep your interest for a while.

V5 and V5.5 are kind of easy to take care of, but the games get SUPER repetitive. Wouldn't recommend.

V6 is very, very needy. Don't play unless you have a lot of time on your hands.

Tama-go is very easy to take care of, but very bulky and hard to carry around.

I'd start out with a Tamagotchi V3. They're cheap, still easy to find on amazon and E-bay, the shell colours are really nice, and it's just an awesome version! Awesome characters, super easy to take care of (which is awesome for new Tama lovers), and the games and pretty fun. If I were you I'd look at the Library > Logs section of TamaTalk, look at some logs members have made and decide which version appeals the most to you.

I'd recommend the V3, it's easy to get the hang of without being overwhelming or boring. There are plenty of inexpensive ones on ebay.

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as Rbarnett said, look through a few logs, what got me interested in my favorite tamas were some of the wonderful logs in that section. Some people have a talent for making their tamas "come to life" making reading their logs very fun to read. In my opinion the V4 is the best "beginner" tama. It's really fun and the character selection is fairly large which is a plus. my other favorites are the music star and the iDL but thoes are both high matinence and for more experienced caretakers.

Since it appears that you haven't used tamas for a while, I'd suggest getting yourself farmiliar with some of the newer versions that are still basic. The V4 would be perfect. (The V4.5 would also be good, but it's nearly the same thing as the V4) The V4 is compact, fun, and can be paused. The only problem is that it can be a little glitchy when connecting with other tamas besides other V4's and V4.5's. If you do not want to get a V4 or V4.5, then I still think getting a Connection tama is a good place to start. I would not recommend getting any Japanese tamas (especially the ones with color screens) until you've farmiliarized yourself with a modern-day English tama.

Here's a few links you might find useful:

V4's on Ebay

V4's on Amazon

About Connection Tamas

I hope I've helped!

Here are a few things I would suggest:

ID L- Only for the committed people as it can get pricey. Think somewhere between 60-100, I got mine for 75 with EMS shipping. It has a lot of good points also. It's in a really nice vivid color screen, new characters, so many locations, you'll never get bored,a matchmaker like place to carry on the generations, and download options*. Some new things you can do are eat at different restaurants and cafes, dress your tamagotchi up when it's an adult at the tamamori, go to the shop (tama depa), go to the park, get a pet, and lots more. There are also some downsides. I would say it has moderate neediness, so not too bad, not like a music star or anything, and if you like the old, nostalgic, characters, this version gets rid of almost all of them. Keep these in mind when making your decision.

V4- This a fairly simple tama, with enough complexity to keep you interested. This would be my pick for beginners. In this version, you can get a job, go to school, and there is a shop. There are enough games so that it doesn't get repetitive, because you unlock them overtime. You can also get on to the V4 tamatown, which is my favorite version of tamatown. You can get these for really cheap used, or new for around 20-25. I got a new one for 20$. The characters are cute (at least in my opinion :D ), and you can carry on the generations because of the matchmaker. Simple, good features, nostalgic, but just enough to keep you interested.

V3- I do not have one, but they sound like a very good version. From character charts, there is definitely a wide variety, and are they are cute. There is a matchmaker, a shop, and V3 tamatown, but no jobs or school. This tam is apparently very easy care. Good if you are pretty busy. Price for these are pretty cheap, any where for 5$ used and 20 new.

P1/P2- These are if you really want to get nostalgic. Simple, cute characters, no shop, no matchmaker, and one game. Pretty simple, but from mixed reviews, I would say it is moderate care. There are not a lot of characters, but they are all cute. Good, simple, tam. (I do not own one of these either, but I researched it at mimitchi.com and pixelmood.com. try there for more info on vintages.) These are an okay price. Used at 20-30$, New 30-70$.

These are my recommendations to you, and I hope you find the perfect tam!

* If you do get the id l, the download files can be found at tama zone, and info on what they are and how to get them to your tam can be found here on tamatalk and at tamazone.

Hope I helped!

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