whick one do you have


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Well here are the designs for all 9 of my tamagotchis:


1st V1 - Clear pink with stickers, looks just like this (this one has no stickers): https://dantat.typepad.com/dantat/images/tamagotchi.jpg


2nd V1 - Purple with stickers, looks this (this one has no stickers):https://www.mastermindtoys.com/store/Assets/thumb_images/695985.gif


V2 - Pink with little flowers that have white, orange, blue, and pink mixed into them, looks just like this: https://www.justtoys.com/images/tam_sml.jpg


1st V3 - Pink with little orange and white harts. Looks just like this (thats spudlike's V3):https://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j16/spudi/mypinkV3.jpg


2nd V3 - Blue with yellow stars. Looks like pretty nighttime sky <3. Looks just like this: https://trus.imageg.net/graphics/product_im...3091335t130.jpg


1st V4 - Glow in the Dark. White instead of black, looks just like this: https://img344.imageshack.us/img344/6763/v4...nthedarkuq5.jpg


2nd V4 - Gray, white, and red with the word "bad" written in cursive on th bottom left in red ink outlined with white. Often called the "punked out" design. Looks just like this: https://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5601934


P1 - Pretty simple design. Pink with the yellow border around the screen. Loosk just like this (it's the one under the yellow P1): https://www.japanlink.de/images/pic_mk_medien_tamagotchi.jpg


Tamagotchi Angel - Very cyte, yellow with gold wings, Tamagotchi Angel written at the top, and cute little black stars. Looks just like this: https://www.bookmice.net/fleur/shared/tainside.jpg



Well those are all my tamagotchis. I'm trying to collect at least 1 of each tamagotci that DOES NOT have the infrared technology and 2 of each tamagotchi that DOES HAVE the infrared technology.


NOTE: Those are not my pictures.



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