Who are your favorite Tamagotchi characters?


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I have a couple favorites. My favorite v2 character would have to be Ichigotchi ( :blink: ). Then out of v3 I like Urutchi (although they changed the name to wooltchi. it looks like a sheep) and dorotchi (it looks like a ghost). These were both v2 characters, but I still like them a lot.

Nyatchi from v3 seems pretty neat too, but I haven't gotten it yet.

I like most tamas but my favourite are:

1. Mametchi

2. Memetchi

3. Pochitchi

4. Kuchipatchi

5. Young mametchi

6. Young mimitchi

7. Ichigotchi

8. Wooltchi/urutchi

9. Teletchi

10. Decotchi

-sk8er girl-

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