Who do you know with an accent ?


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i have an English accent =D when i went to go visit Califronia everyone starred at me and my mum when we were talking..lolz

And I guess I have a Californian accent. xP

I don't know anybody with a strong accent right now, but my friends used to.

They were all raised in Alabama and moved to Kansas, and being about 7, 6, and 4, sometimes their R's were slurred, and mized wth their accent.. I eventually got used to it and actually completely forgot about it.

They moved back to alabama when I was seven or eight years old.

Miles of smiles,

My teacher (Mrs A- :blink: is from Scotland but she has an Australian accent. You can hear traces of a scottish accent.

Another teacher, (I HATE HER, THAT MS BURTENSHAW!) she's from New Zealand and she once got offended that we couldn't understand her! (i had her in Grade Five) (god, i'm not a "i-hate-you" type but Burtenshaw is sooooo mean. Picks on you for no reason (grr, I got side-tracked. we're talking about expirences *slaps head*)


Me. I have been told that I have a very heavy southeren accent. I knew I had a southeren accent but I did not know it was that heavy.

My dad has a british accent. Its easy to know what he says, though.

I have a scottish accent, so yeah, I've talked to people from canada and they're like, "What did you just say?" And then I just say it slowly and clearly.

My Mum has a scottish accent,

I have Scottish/Australian bit I'm really good at French, Irish and British,

My Dad has Australian,

Granny is Scottish,

My friend Jess has New Zealand,

And another friend has Vietnamese accent.

I've got a pack of friends with different accents.


All my family are either from Belarus or Russia so they speak English with those accents. People say I have a scouse accent (Liverpool accent) but I really don't think so ^_^ .


My friend Charlie. (Charlotte, but we cal her charlie. :ph34r: ) She moved to canada in year five and came back in year 7!

She has this like, american accent- I think it's really cool, she's gone on hoiday back to Canada- shes there now. ^_^

Um, an english teacher (Not mine, another class.) Mrs.crowley, she has an Irish accent, people call her a lephrecaun, which I think is horrible. :<

She's short, thats why they call her that, but boy, does she have a loud voice! ^_^

I'm South Africa and I moved to England so I have a South African accent ^_^

I think I have a no-accent.

My mother has a Northern English accent though, and her Spanish sounds veery English.

My Dad has the London accent, but his Spanish sounds normal.

My Spanish is standard Spanish - I pronounce all the letters, more like someone from Madrid than someone from Seville.

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