Who do you think (or want) Will win American Idol?


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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
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These are only the top 8 ppl

AND who do want (or think) will get Eliminated just say below

I think Brooke will go home

These are only the top 8 ppl
AND who do want (or think) will get Eliminated just say below

I think Brooke will go home
Brooke better not go home!! D= Brooke rocks! =D Although right now my favorite is David Archuleta 'cause he's adorable. =D I also like David Cook, Jason, and Micheal. ^__^ Everybody seems to love Carly, but I'm honestly sick of her. My top 5 (David A., David C., Micheal, Brooke, and Jason) all have really distinctive voices that I could recognize without looking. Carly's voice is so regular and ordinary. Nothing original or unique. =/ Although I did LOVE when she saing Total Eclipse of the Heart. Not because she sang it good (I don't think she did) but because my mom and I think Total Eclipse of the Heart is the funniest song ever because of the stupid music video. Total Eclipse of the Heart XDYou HAVE to watch it. It makes literally NO sense. Plus it gets funnier and funnier. I was almost exploding with laughter at the expression on the little kid at the end's face. And what is with all the "bright eyes"? xDDD Anyway, back on topic......I also want Syesha to go home right now. She keeps choosing so-called "big" songs, and when she sings them, you just can't help but compare to the original. And Kristy's....eh. She has a nice country voice, but she should also go home soon. (It was absolute TORTURE when she sang 8 Days a Week a while back. xDDD) As you can see, I'm liking the guys better than the girls this season. I HOPE Syesha goes home on Thursday, but it will probably be Kristy or something. It better not be Brooke or Jason!! D=

I guess I want that guy that everyone's saying was born in Australia to win...

GO THE AUSSIES > :blink:

As for whoever will be voted off, I wouldn't have a clue. I'm not American Idol obsessed... I'm Australian Idol obsessed :(

I want David Archuletta to win. He's cute and he can sing well. Next I like Brooke. She's cool. :)

Well the Aussie guy got voted off so he's out now.

David Archuleta is hot. I think he'll probably win, but we like David Cook better. Oh and that Irish girl might also win.

Oh goodness, people actually still watch American Idol? I'm soo done with that, bunches and bunches of seasons.. I don't even know anyone names on there.. =P I lived for the season with Sanjuaya on it..

To bad Michael Johns got voted off, I liked his voice.

I WANT Seyesha to win but I think it'll be one of the Davids. And Kristy has been Improving alot since, God Bless the USA. My Dad thought she did the best Tuesday whoa!

I can't believe Micheal got voted off. >.< I was so mad. Yeah, Kristy is doing better....not even in the bottom three! :huh: But I still want David Archuleta to win. He is so CUTE. >.< I just want to hug him xD


I think Syesha (or however you spell it) should have gone instead. Everybody likes David A, and my best friend's favorite is Syesha. I am the only fan of David Cook that I know (except for that one guy at school, but still...) in real life. At least the people here have better taste. David A DOES look like a monkey...O.O

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