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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2008
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Our Country is doomed if obama or hilary win.

Bush. =P lol

I don't like any of them, but if I had to choose, it would probably be Clinton.

Edit: One of my real life friends pointed out something. IRAQ WAR+REPUBLICAN=Nuh uh.

I'm not sure I believe that but just pointing out. @_@

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To tell you the truth, I don't really like any of them. However, I believe Mr. McCain would do a better job than Hillary or Obama would do. Obama has no experience and does not like our country. He just wants a position of power. There is something that just annoys me about Hillary. I don't think she seems like a nice person. However, she would be better than Obama. Mr. McCain is experienced, would know what he was doing, seems to have some good plans, and I agree with more of his ideas than I do of the other candidates.

I dont think I have a say in it since im not 18,

But I wouldnt want a Republican to win.

If I was an adult I would pay an extra tax if it was going to Heath and Food =]

And I wouldnt want Hilary in office she is scary x-x so Obama

If I had the choice, it would be Obama.


At this point, it really doesn't matter. All the options suck.

We are screwed no matter who wins.


Well, since I'm not living in American I haven't really got a lot of information from either sides.

But I'm edging over to Obama more.

Hilary's husband has already been in office before. So I'm sort of guessing that the way

she'll run things is gonna be somewhat similar to the way her husband did.


So I say go Obama!

Well, I'm neither 18 or American but I want Obama to win. So does my friend.

As we so kindly put it. "Hillary can't win! If she gets PMS we're all DOOMED!"

Mcain is the kind of person we need running America

[SIZE=13pt]I feel really bad for Mr.McCain. O.O'[/SIZE]

He's sort of put in the shadows. Because of Hilary and Obama.


First women PM or first Black PM! x3...

He doesn't really stand a chance. T.T...Or does he? >:3

I dun like any of the candidates.... But I'm not voting anyway.

I personally think McCain is the best out of all three.. People would like everything for free.... Phhht.


I sense something ominous about Obama. I can't stand Hillary either.


Just so you know politicians lie...

Mccain should be president. But if he isn't than I would want Hilary to be president. Not Obama. I'm no rasist. But Obama does not believe in God. He does not even stand up for the pledge. How can he be president if he doesn't stand for the pledge?!?!?!!?!?!? If he becomes president we all are doomed. I really hope Mccain is chosen for president.

I want McCain to win! Obamha and Hilary are trying to make America a communist nation!! Plus Obamha says he doesn't agree to that pastor but if he disagreed why did he stay there and listen to him for so long.And well Hilary is well....crazy soo yeah...

To tell you the truth, I don't really like any of them. However, I believe Mr. McCain would do a better job than Hillary or Obama would do. Obama has no experience and does not like our country. He just wants a position of power. There is something that just annoys me about Hillary. I don't think she seems like a nice person. However, she would be better than Obama. Mr. McCain is experienced, would know what he was doing, seems to have some good plans, and I agree with more of his ideas than I do of the other candidates.
I never knew the Obama thing O_O Bad Grandma, no voting for people who want to destroy the country! -finds grandmother and tells-

Both Obamam and Hillarty would be the first in our country for something ((I think)).

Hillary the first woman president, Obama the first black president ((I think)).

Not that I can vote, but the best candididate might be John McCain.

The thing that bothers me about the Democratic parties this year is that if either of them win it is going to be a "first." Either the first woman president or the first black president. People are only going to vote for Hillary because she's a woman and people are only going to be voting for Obama because he's black. That's why I think it's unfair to McCain. He's just your normal old guy running for president.

And the thing that reeeally bothers me about Obama is that he is a racist. His pastor says very racist things about white people. And when Obama was asked about this he said he never knew anything about that. Yeah right. What a racist liar. I really have a problem with racist people. Hillary would be better than him but she's also not a very good candidate.

McCain is definitely the best out of the 3. He seems like a very honest guy and if he is elected president he'll probably try his hardest to do what he can for the problems the country currently faces.

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[SIZE=13pt]I feel really bad for Mr.McCain. O.O'[/SIZE]He's sort of put in the shadows. Because of Hilary and Obama.


First women PM or first Black PM! x3...

He doesn't really stand a chance. T.T...Or does he? >:3
Though that could be used as to his advantage- with so much front line coverage on controvercy of the two democrats, he can go around that to win the election.

I seem to have the same stance on the whole deal as fluffums. If I could vote McCain is who I'd elect.

If I have to choose one of the democrats to be president I'd probably lean towards Hillary. Obama is a noob and has some very.. interesting associations. Two years in the senate [or house, I can't remember which one] is absolutely nothing to what Hillary has had. Obama has all this "change" waiting to happen but he speaks in great inspiring speeches but the action isn't there.

PM? Oh, prime minsters? [spelling?] We don't have those dudes. We have prezzes. :]

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[SIZE=13pt]I feel really bad for Mr.McCain. O.O'[/SIZE]He's sort of put in the shadows. Because of Hilary and Obama.


First women PM or first Black PM! x3...

He doesn't really stand a chance. T.T...Or does he? >:3
The only reason McCain is thrown into the shadows right now is because we're determining who will be the candidate for the democratic party.

Since McCain is the only republican, there's nobody for him to go into rounds with right now.

Once it's decided between Hilary and Obama, McCain will come back into the picture.

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