Who Gets Bullied


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No, but four of my friends used to bully.They stopped when they got in trouble with the principal.A little TamaTalker told on them :angry: You should to tell on those mean bullies.

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[SIZE=7pt]I have never gotten bullied, but I do know some girls who have been, and I know it must hurt. You should really tell somebody, it's the best thing to do. You don't deserve to be bullied. Nobody does. And never fight fire with fire. It only makes the fire bigger. *Sigh* Why can't we all be respected? [/SIZE]
I'm sorry to hear that.

I've never really been bullied. I've been messed with by others but never physically and they do it to everyone. They just make me really nervous and make the class heck.

What do these bullies do to you? Sometimes you can just not pay attention to them and they'd go away but with more servere types you really should bring a close teacher or parent into this. They shouldn't be allowed to treat anyone with disrespect and if it's a problem for you going to school because of them, tell a teacher.

Umm, not really. =] I'm 5"8, and I don't go to public school. WHen I did I did use to get teased, but I was six, and it was over a hardboiled egg. XD

I also have a really good glare, so when the idiotic teenaged boys pass me by I have the worst glare in the world. :3 I like the power of my glare. It prevents me from being bullied or mocked. [um, not to mention last summer I spent 99.9.9% of it excersising, so I can't say I'm not strong.]

I'm afraid people thought I was the bully just because I was so tall. >.< I hate that stereotype.

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I never get bullied. But my friends do mess with me, like move stuff around, take stuff, you know all that jazz. But I do the same thing back to them, and it works. :D

If you are being bullied standing up for yourself can work. Don't do the "You know that hurts my feelings!" bit because that definitely WILL NOT work. Trust me on this. Threatening them COULD work, it sort of depends on the person. And in my experience just sitting there ignoring them will just make it worse. And if there is a reason they are bullying you, just stop doing that if possible. If writing love poems is what causes it, don't do it in front of them! That should work.

Then again, it all depends on the person.

I also have a really good glare, so when the idiotic teenaged boys pass me by I have the worst glare in the world. :3 I like the power of my glare. It prevents me from being bullied or mocked. [um, not to mention last summer I spent 99.9.9% of it excersising, so I can't say I'm not strong.]
heehee :3

like myself.

i never really was a bully, but i was reaaally good at being mean [and i still am]. but i've toned it down. i used to be bullied, but i don't anymore.

Kinda, used to. There was this girl who is on the school bus with me. I would only sit and wait for the bus, when she'd be like, "Oh, here's *****face now, hey, ***** why don't you go back to planet *****?" Then she'd kick me, so I'd kick her back. We'd end up going to the bus, fighting and then I'd win, only because she'd let go and walk away, trying to look tough... It didn't stop her from saying things behind my back, or surprise attacking me. She swore at me and would spit near me and get people to punch me. Luckily, she stopped when her dad shouted at my mum, but my mum shouted at her dad and he got scared. o__o'


once a bully made me so mad that I punched him in the face and walked away.. xD!

Even though I got detention for 3 days. I was never bullied again xP !

Ive never been bullied, but there was this one time when my sister was whispering something to my cousin and laughing and pointing at me. Im all, "watcha talkin about?"

and she's all like,"nuuuuuuuthiiiiiiiiiiiing" and then she starts to walk by me all cool and stuff when i stick my foot out and she trips and falls on her face. Then i said "whoops" me and my cousin just stood there laughing! (my sister told on me naturally, and when i told my parents wat she did to me they just told me that she was sensitive and i need to be nicer but wat my parents call sensitive i call A LOSER WITH NO FRIENDS)

Aww~ That really sucks. :/

Well, I have been bullied before. But not like, HUGE GONZULLUZ Bullying type of thing.

I've been called a Beaver before. X_X" (Like wtf?!?)

And some people have made fun of my teeth. And I think some people talked behind my back. :/

But I wasn't being picked on that much. It was pretty much this one guy that kept on teasing me. But It's not like I was afraid to go to school or anything. I still had my buddies!<3

But that was all in elementary school. So it's all pretty much stopped.

But you really should tell someone about this bullying. It does hurt to be bullied. So tell someone you really trust. D:

on monday this boy pushed me and his mate stuck his leg out whilst i was going down the stairs and i fell on top of one of my mates :'[

I used to get bullied a lot.

In 1st grade, a group of boys from the 2nd grade would always be calling me a prawn and pushing me over. However, I told my father, and he sorted them out. There were also people in my class who were mean.

From 2nd to 6th grade I had this 'friend' who would be all smiles and nice sometimes, and other times a really nasty bully. She would say nasty things to me, and gather the rest of the girls up to go against me. In fact, there are still quite a lot of people nowadays who probably say nasty things about me behind my back.

When I began "High School" (8th grade till now) I found good friends, so even though people say horrid things about me, they don't and I think they stick up for me. :furawatchi: Now, in 10th grade, there are lots of boys in the class who tease me, but then they just say they are joking and don't di anything too bad. There is one boy though, who is 18 years old who does push me around a lot and does bully me - but I just stay out of his way and things are OK.

Still, at this kind of age most people suddenly morph into idiots. :blink:

However, if you are bullied and you are not able to stop it yourself you should not keep it to yourself. You should tell someone, either a friend, your mother or father or your teacher. You must not let these things develop. Sure, some people will probably call you 'tell-tale', or you would be afraid to be called that but it is not really worth being made fun of everyday and have people lower your self esteem.

i'm more misunderstood,like i totally like inuyasha, but everyone says its a stupid japanese show for 5 yr olds!

and they nevr saw it!

i'm more misunderstood,like i totally like inuyasha, but everyone says its a stupid japanese show for 5 yr olds!and they nevr saw it!
Ugh. I hate it when people do that to anime and manga. Most of it contains at least a bit of mature content, anyways. >.>'

i am the perfect nerd *nerd power*

i am bullied all the time

you get used to it

i am big (the body type and very tall) so people stoped bullying me

(for a while)

when people started again, i had just won $100 for the history fair

when they anounced that, the bullying stopped...


i'm more misunderstood,like i totally like inuyasha, but everyone says its a stupid japanese show for 5 yr olds!and they nevr saw it!
I dont. I am about the only one who stands up for you and Inuyasha

I get bashed up alot in school, because of my liking towards Mario and other Nintendo games.

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