Who has/had acne?


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I have only a little bit of that stuff. But it still is irritating. > :mellow:

Don't put alcohol on your skin. Or it will flare up. (Not that your mom would let you but, eh..=P)

The best thing you can do for your skin is to wash it with a soap bar. I use Dove and when I started using that my acne went down.

I get it on occasion. I don't get huge breakouts, but I get random zits quite a bit. Most of them are around my chin for some reason, but they can be anywhere xP
Yea I get them sometimes on the side of my nose like I got a zit there recently and had to pop it >_< or sometimes on my forehead but my hair blocks them mostly lol.

Yea I get them sometimes on the side of my nose like I got a zit there recently and had to pop it >_< or sometimes on my forehead but my hair blocks them mostly lol.
I read that sleeping with hair on your face can cause acne. A barrette can help with this. I pull my hair back with bobby pins before bed. :]

I read that sleeping with hair on your face can cause acne. A barrette can help with this. I pull my hair back with bobby pins before bed.  :]
Really that's odd O_O but my hair isn't that long it's just fuzzy it's ( IGNORE THIS: Typo I meant "up" not "u" ) to my shoulders ( length wise ) but other than that it's fluffy so ya it's not really up in my face lol :D but I never thought your hair would cause that.

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GRRR!!! Ive got acne right now and it irritates me heaps. Plus im only 11 years old. I just want to find out how common it is. So please vote honestly and add a comment if you wish!!


(P.S. Does anyone know any NATURAL ways to cure acne, my mum wont let me use any medications)!
I have stupid achne too. I'm only eleven too! I've had it for a while. Last year it was REALLY BAD. I had zits everywhere. Over the summer i washed my face all the time, and it got better. My skin was just BEAUTIFUL for a while. Now in middle school, my achne decided to come BACK. I wash my face every night and it gets better, but then worse again. (Pueberty sucks doesn't it?) Well anyway wash ur face like I do and youll be fine. It'll be gone in no time. Mine is already dissappearing. Good Luck!

P.S. Pretty soon everyone else around you will get achne too! :D

P.P.S. Wierd, toothpaste worked for me. (U had to wash it off after 15 min tho)

I have stupid achne too. I'm only eleven too! I've had it for a while. Last year it was REALLY BAD. I had zits everywhere. Over the summer i washed my face all the time, and it got better. My skin was just BEAUTIFUL for a while. Now in middle school, my achne decided to come BACK. I wash my face every night and it gets better, but then worse again. (Pueberty sucks doesn't it?) Well anyway wash ur face like I do and youll be fine. It'll be gone in no time. Mine is already dissappearing. Good Luck!

P.S. Pretty soon everyone else around you will get achne too! :furawatchi:

P.P.S. Wierd, toothpaste worked for me. (U had to wash it off after 15 min tho)
Grrr! Its getting worse. Ive got like 5 big pimples on my left cheek. Its very irritating. I dont like puberty. I wish i was like 4 years old again with such a soft face and stuff. Meh, Im sure everyone goes through this stage too. Just Im growing up a little bit too fast....

You should try using the neutrogena wave, it has been working really well for me, though, my face still looks like connect the dot, it's not as bad as it used to be.

Ok well im 11 years old and acne is like haunting me. Not a huge lot on my face but my shoulders are like covered. GRRRRRR!! I HATE IT!! I need to do something fast. As for you Dotty is Hotty, my mum just bought tea tree oil so im gonna try it today. Ill tell you the results!!!!!!
The stuff on your shoulder is NOT acne. It's a rash, believe it or not!

The same oil is produced in your arm, the same oil like a zit would produce...But it doesn't have bacteria.

Just wash it REALLY good.

Honey I have had acne since the beginning of me being 10. the more you freak about the acne the more acne controls your life. Wash your face regularly and dont worry about the acne. Acne isn't that big of a deal. If the acne is bugging you because it gets irratated/red/or hurts when it rubs against something slightly , i would suggest having a talk with your mother. I hope i helped! :(

Uh-oh! Sounds like someone needs Skin ID! Check out their webbie here. You can take a skin evoulation to see what products are for you. (Note: The quiz will ask you for your age. Say 13, because it will block you if you say 12 and under.)

Anyway, I have tiny pimples on my forehead. It doesn't bother me too much.

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