Who is on my Tama screen?


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Jan 7, 2006
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I have 2 Tamagotchis -- one girl, one boy. They had baby girls yesterday. Twice today I noticed something weird on the screen. The bottom half had the grown up Tamagotchi and baby Tamagotchi as usual. But the upper half of the screen had what looked like a snowman in the upper left hand corner. The upper half of the screen was black with white dots, so it looked like a night sky with twinkling stars. The snowman was smiling and dancing a little. What's up with that?

oh, it's because um... oh yeah, it's because your date on your tama is near Christmas, so a snowman appears! Was the snowman dancin? because it usally is!!! Hehehehehehehehehe!!!!

:furawatchi: hope i helped,

Tama Luv U!!!

There's another post about this in here and they decided it was because it's February

here is some discussion on the snowman......hope my link works.....


*pumps air with fist*...it worked lol :furawatchi: :)

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pretty weird... it hasnt happened to me yet though.

This just happend to me yesterday, which was Febuary 1. :D

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