Who knows your password on here?


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Aha, no one knows my password, theyve tried guessing by watching me type, but I type my password too fast : P

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No one knows my password. Just me.

I exit Mozilla without pressing the log out thing so my account automatically logs in when I visit TT. But I still knew my password. : )

Nobody, I gave my Tegaki E password to my friend once, but I changed it due to being paranoid, same with my MSN. I gave it to my friend Evan but changed it.

I DO know her MSN pass though. <: I wouldn't mess with it though because we're BFFs.

I actually really love your avatar :) Off topic ahaha.
Anyway, uh no one knows my password. I've got my account so that it automatically logs in for me so I don't really remember my password. LOL, fail.
same, i never log out so whenever i go on, i'm already logged on as long as i use the same web browser.

I use the same password for alot of stuff.

So from other sites, Tahnee, Madi, Naomi and Sammie know it.

But none of you guys. You're not special enough >:]

No one knows my password. Not even me. I leave myself signed in so I haven't had to enter a password since the last time I signed in to TC, which was quite some time ago. Even then I had to use several guesses before I figured it out. I think I wrote it down somewhere... like in a notebook. I should probably look for that. xD

Only my BFF sarah knows mine but she is not on here besides that no one does...oh wait .:M@TT:. does XD.

I would never give out my password.

It's so random that even all my five closest friends together couldn't figure it out.


I'm sorry if responding to this is gonna be considered bumping the topic. xD I forgot the timespan of bumping topics.

I have three passwords.

Soha knew one of them, and she was the only person who's ever known.

But I know a lot of other people's passwords.

I miss Soha.


^ It would have to be three months or older to have been bumped. It's still safe. (;

Everybody I know are nosy so I'm smart enough to keep it to myself.

Mine is pretty easy to crack if you know me well enough.

Only Claire knows my password. And she knows mine. We are sisters. So... Yeah. xD

Nobody knows mine. I don't see why they'd have to, TBH xD. I use the same password for everything except Facebook so if anybody can guess it then congratulations, you can hack into absolutely every website I'm on. It's highly unlikely that you will though, seeing as it's just a bunch of random letters and numbers. God knows how I memorised it O_O

  • No one in the whole world knows my password.
    They ain't special enougghh. 83

Nobody. Exept my brother. He saw it when I got Wizard 101. It's so random, you can't figure it out. (I'll say this, it has 1 number in it.)

No one knows my password except my parents and my sister. No one on here can guess it.

I never give my password out but I'm pretty sure the admin knows.


TM Edit: How to: Recognise and Avoid Topic Bumping

Please try to remember to check the date of the last reply in the topic to avoid bumping old threads? Thanks! ;)


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