Who likes to cook?


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Jul 23, 2007
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god knows...
Does any1 like to cook or bake? I love to! Its so much fun! My fav recipe that I thought up myself :( its spaghetti and meatball PIZZA! It uis so delicious! I make it all the time for partys. If u want the recipe ill maybe pm it to you.....its top secret! :D

I make an AWESOME chicken pot pie with my secret recipe that no one can get out of me! I also like to make homemade doughnuts!

I love baking. I bake everyday. I bake brownies, muffins, and cakes ^-^

Oh and I don't think this should be in Seriously Non TamaTalk

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I loooooovvvveeee to cook. My mom goes insane because I'm always coming up to her saying, "I feel like cooking something today."

she'll say, "What is it."

I'll say, "... I don't know... I feel like experimenting to make a new recipe."

she'll say "what does it use"

I'll say, "I don't know... depends on how I feel today."

and she gets frustrated and says, "FINE! you can bake or cook watever you want but ask me if you use any different ingredients and CLEAN UP YOUR MESS."

lol... sometimes I forget to wash the dishes from it and get in trouble and have to wash all the dishes.... including the ones I didn't durty...lol

I do have a few favorite recipes and many of my more surprising recipes I messed up really bad, but I found out what to do with them anyways, and surprisingly it works quite well.

like, my somewhat edible chalk... (if it isn't to hard to bite into.... I don't recomend eating it, but it IS edible...)

simple recipe really. It's pretty much, hard tack, with food coloring and in a ball.

preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease a pan that is ment for mini muffins and set it aside. in a good size bowl combine 1 cup flower with 1 cup water. mix well, until it makes a nice paste. then divide the mixture into 4 sections. give each bowl of mix a certain color of food coloring. Make sure that it's nice and dark. (like about 6 or more drops)

then gradually add 1/2 a cup into each different bowl. depending on how much you stuck in the other bowels. It might need more or less if it wasn't evenly diveded.

after it molds into nice balls place the small teaspoon size balls into the mini muffin cups. bake in the oven for about 15 min. or untill mostly hard when tapped on. slight burningis ok. Just kinda slice that off soon after it comes out of the oven.

Then after the balls cool for about 10 min. set them in a dry place and leave them there overnight. the longer you leave it, the harder it becomes...

when I first made this recipe and messed up on it... my brother would make fun of me by instead of saying diamonds are forever he would be, "Muffins are FOREVER!" it was really funny, because he would hold up one of my hard muffins then trow it on the ground to show that it wouldn't crack very easy... lol

after they harded you can use it as chalk... try it... it works... or you can soak them in water for a long time and use them as sponge balls... make sure that they're soft first... lol

get creative with them if you like... it's fun.

I love cooking.

I'm just too lazy to do it xP

If I'm really hungry I'll make something, but if I'm too lazy or tired I'll just find a snack type thing.

I like making cakes and muffins, and I'm good at doing salads and nachos. I'm gonna figure out how to make good brownies soon. My Grammie makes the BEST brownies. *drools*.

I like to cook. I'm also good at it.

I think I'm best at bread and pastries. My favorite dish that I make is strawberry-banana crepes.

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I absolutely love to Bake/Make up Recipes!

Whenever I'm bored, I bake something simple, like a single Muffin. :D

And for most Breakfast's I make smmothies.

And I just invented this delicious and nutritious one- It tastes great!

Here's the Recipe:


- 1 Cup Vanilla/Plain, Low-Fat Yogourt

- 8 Small-to-Medium Ice cubes

- 1/4 cup your Favourite Fruit Juice

- 1/4 cup Milk/Soymilk


Blend in a High-Quality Blender until Smooth.

I absolutely love to Bake/Make up Recipes!Whenever I'm bored, I bake something simple, like a single Muffin. :D

And for most Breakfast's I make smmothies.

And I just invented this delicious and nutritious one- It tastes great!

Here's the Recipe:


- 1 Cup Vanilla/Plain, Low-Fat Yogourt

- 8 Small-to-Medium Ice cubes

- 1/4 cup your Favourite Fruit Juice

- 1/4 cup Milk/Soymilk


Blend in a High-Quality Blender until Smooth.
Sound extra yummy!

OMG I am like 10 1/2 now and I have been cooking and baking since I was 6 I love baking more than cooking I was waiting for someone to make a topic like this I am so excited -_- .

My very first ting I made was boston Creme mush lol it was a boston creme chocolate stuff ,creme, and cake. (it fell all apart)lol!

Cooking and baking are my favorite hobbies. Pretty much, anyway. :mellow:


My friend gave me this dip recipe. My mom absolutely loves it! She always says, "Katie, will you make some of that dip? We'll have that for dinner tonight." LOL


I make a lot of other stuff, too. Like pancakes, frozen chocolate banana pops, oreo cheesecake, and chocolate truffle cheesecake, just to name a few.


I'm not allowed to dump boiling water (like when your making pasta). My mom doesn't want me to get burnt. :D



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