Who pre-ordered the 3DS?


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Dec 7, 2006
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Right behind you
I pre-ordered the 3DS Aqua Blue colour and I cannot wait any longer! Tommorow (March 27 2011) its coming out! I wanna get street fighter and mario kart and super mario 3ds and metal gear and ....

i pre ordered mine and i got mine yesterday : D

I'm not going to get the 3ds I think, the 3D part sorta sucked, I played a 3DS at Target and all it really looked like was two people and this blurry line and some shaking lines, it was way too lame. I think I'll stick with getting a DSi when the price goes down for that when the 3DS comes out.

my friend has the 3DS and the graphics are crappy and she was playing this weird fighting game

and Runner, i agree with you. im sticking to my Dsi. i know the 3DS has a camcorder (this might be a rumor idk) but my mom doesnt like me using camcorders because when i make movies i tend to be loud...

If either they make one of these:

Photo Dojo 3D

Mother 4 (Probably will not be made)

Mother Trilogy (Same as above)

Pyoro Trilogy

Some new WarioWare

Pokemon RavagedRuby and SacredSapphire (or any remake of that kind)

...Then I'll buy it. But the 3D graphics suck. So I'll keep it off.

Even some Game Boy games have better graphics than the titles released for the 3DS.

3DS sucks. I'm sticking with my DSi.

Pre-ordered it a few months ago, and I picked mine up at midnight last night at game stop. I don't get how you people don't think the graphics are cool. The 3D works just fine. (For me, at least, my dad says he can't see the 3D at all. maybe it depends on the person) Also, even the 2D graphics are a thousand times better than the DSi.

Only game I have for it now is Street Fighter IV, and it's pretty fun, although I suck at it. xD The AR games are really awesome. Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to Ocarina of Time 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Now I just need to wait until June. xP. anyway, it will be worth the wait, and street fighter and AR games should be sufficient until then.

^this but i got rayman and sims 3 (sims is horrible)

Pre-ordered it a few months ago, and I picked mine up at midnight last night at game stop. I don't get how you people don't think the graphics are cool. The 3D works just fine. (For me, at least, my dad says he can't see the 3D at all. maybe it depends on the person) Also, even the 2D graphics are a thousand times better than the DSi.

Only game I have for it now is Street Fighter IV, and it's pretty fun, although I suck at it. xD The AR games are really awesome. Mostly, though, I'm looking forward to Ocarina of Time 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Now I just need to wait until June. xP. anyway, it will be worth the wait, and street fighter and AR games should be sufficient until then.
Y'nkow, many people have different opinions. But you already said that. :)

Does the 3DS have a 3DSWare, kinda like DSiWare?

not yet but in the may global update there will be eShop and DSiware eShop is basically 3DSware

^Yeah, the eShop will include 3DSWare, Virtual Console, and Classic Games. 3DSWare are specifically made games for 3DS, Virtual Console are old games transferred to the 3DS, and Classic Games are old games with enhanced graphics or controls exclusively for 3DS.

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