Who should I choose?


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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
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OKAY. I have a problem. D8

I like A LOT boys...But which one to choose? I can't have all ALL of them. halp? WARNING: These boys are ALL in band. xDD Fear my band nerdy ness. >3

Guy 1:

Drew. He plays Saxophone. He's in my Jazz band and he's also in WE... His mom is my mom's friend and they work at the same workplace. He's funny and nice.

Looks: Buzz cut plat. blond hair, blue eyes. <3

8th grader. Problem: He'll be leaving for HS this year. D8

Guy 2:

Peter. He plays Clarinet for Jazz and Symphonic and Piano for Jazz. He's adorable. >w< He's in my grade. Problem:Nothing.

Looks: Tan skin[i lurve most guys with tan skin. xD]

Blue eyes

Brown hair

Guy 3:


He plays Trombone for Symphonic band, Jazz and WE[7th graders are allowed.]. He's kind of feminine... But he's adorable. :] Problem: My sister thinks he's a sissy. xD

Looks: Looks kinda like me. O____O He has glasses[like me],blond hair[like me D: ] and blue eyes[YES!! Something I DON'T have!] and braces.

Guy 4:

Tom. He does percussion. [see? I LOVE EVERYBODY[Well not EVERYONE] in band.] He's handsome. And he's nice..Problem: My friend says he's weird.. And he's a sports fan, which isn't me.

Looks: Black hair and brown eyes[i can never look into his eyes. D: ]

Guy 5:

Manny. He does Flute and Percussion for Jazz[Flute] and Concert Band.

He's really sweet[And cute!]. Problem: He's a 6th grader. The 7th graders are in the MB[Main Building] while the 6th and 5th are in the Annex.


Tan skin

Black/Brown hair

Dark brown eyes

Guy 6:


He plays Horn for WE. He's ADORABLE. I wish I could send pictures. xD

He's chubby too. <3 he's nice. Problem: My sister dislikes him, and thinks he's obese, and he'll be leaving for HS this year.



Brown hair

Blue eyes

Red cheeks[Awww... :] ]

Guy 7:

Andrew. He plays Trombone for WE and Jazz. He's a really cool guy..

Except he kinda shaved his hair. <///3 Problem: He's leaving for HS this year. D<


Brownish blond Buzz cut hair. I never get to see his eye color.

Guy 8:

Everrett. He's Marcus's older and NOT annoying brother. He plays Clarinet for WE and Jazz. He's quiet[unlike his brother]...Like me. :] Problem: He's leaving for HS this year! D<


Lightish tan skin

Dark brown eyes

and black hair,

and glasses.

Had to do this... I'm stuck.

Who would you choose? Why?

Just don't type in a name, type in why you'd choose this boy.

*PLEASE NOTE: I don't believe any of these boys like me... And you may say "PERSONAL PREFERENCE! D:< " but I'd LOVE your FOV. <3*

Don't choose just one :(

Why limit yourself...?

So you just listed a truck load of guys that you think are good looking but you already said you don't think any of them like you.

Why make a choice?

Just quietly enjoy the view at band and wait and see if anything interesting happens :)

(asking friends to help you choose who to like is not a great habit to fall into)

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Aww redtama, it seems as if we're alwqays having the same issues. xDDD

Guys 3, 4, 5, and 6 sound awesome. :3

Aww redtama, it seems as if we're always having the same issues. xDDD
Guys 3, 4, 5, and 6 sound awesome. :3

Doesn't every girl have that problem? xD

They are awesome people. :]

I personally don't think you should choose any of them.

If you can't make the choice yourself, aka if you don't like any of them enough for one to stand out, you probably shouldn't try to have a relationship with any of them.

If you can't choose for yourself, or if one of them doesn't stand out for you, they probably aren't in your taste or you probably don't actually like them.

If you don't understand what I'm saying, I'll try to make it clearer;

If you don't actually like one of them, or you're having your online friends pick them from a lottery of facts, then you're probably not in love.

No offense.

But if you don't love them, it won't turn out, and even more so if you know you don't love them, because that's just using someone.

And if you're using someone you "like", it won't turn out very well for either of you.

It's just an unnecessary heartbreak for one or both of you, just waiting to happen.

Hope I was of some type of help, but it probably wasn't the answer you were looking for.

If you can prove me wrong, I'll tell you my choice and why.

Most of it is personal descision, but I think you might pick Guy #2 because he apparently has no problems xD

Cecib :angry:

I agree with Cecib and iliey12 - I would go for Guy #2! :furawatchi: He's not moving to HS (ie; it won't all end in tears!) and there seems to be no problems. He also sounds really cute (judging from a brief description!) And the way you've described him as "adorable" is good. I <3 adorable guys! Doesn't everyone?!


PS. I <3 tan guys too!! x3

Go for the dude that's the best to you, and that talks to you the most. If you find out that he likes someone else, then aim for another guy, and so on.

And really, who cares about what everyone thinks about one of your crushes. My friends hate my crush (actually, they hate all boys), and he's like, such a sweetheart to me. ^_^

Go for Scott.What I hear, you talk about him on here a lot.

Yes,Yes I do talk about him alot.


Maybe I should, but then I got Scot in the way.

Me and Peter talk alot about Jazz band[it's his 2nd year].

And for Scott, I just ask him if he's coming to the rehearsals. xD

Because I really want to know if he's coming. C=


No. I don't believe your wrong.

But wouldn't it be kinda akward saying you "Love" them? I mean, because I never went out with any of them.

It's okay, I'm not offended at all. C=

And I'm guessing it is kinda childish for me to rely on people who I don't know...But hey, well all make that mistake. Thanks. :]

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