Who Would Win In A Cage Match?


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could you be more specific? Ryan

The Guy Who married that girl who was on tv or my mom?

ya, i have no idea either

I am going to take the first one as Pete Wentz, so I am going with the first one.

Fender or Les Paul?

Les beats Leo by a LONG shot. and i didnt even think that it would be Pete, he's so popular on this thread.

Haley Williams or Pete Wentz? ~_o

Who are these people? ;)

Fresca vs. Coke 8D

Cecib :)

Guinea pig. xP

Rock or Paper?

Cecib :angry:

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scissors. lol. because " Scissors Says Shoot!"

Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin?

Madonna wins!

Memetchi vs Kutchipatchi

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