Who would you wanna be for a day?


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I know who i'd Love to Be

i'd Love TO BE GERARD WAY from My Chemical Romance

he is so my hero

and i would also wanna be someone rich or even


becuz the poor have everything even though they have nothing!

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I know who i'd Love to Be

i'd Love TO BE GERARD WAY from My Chemical Romance

he is so my hero

and i would also wanna be someone rich or even


becuz the poor have everything even though they have nothing!
What do you mean by the poor have everything even though they have nothing??? :angry:

I'd like to be: a stick.

Yes, a strange, peculiar option to be for a day. But, you get to lie around and do nothing...For a day!

There are some disadvantages too T_T Like being thrown and caught by a dog, being run over by truck on the road and being used for a campfire or being used to poke a dead squirrel or another.

Well, it least I get to slack off.

wow, many people wanna be Hannah Montana/ Miley Cyrus. p.s. acid~rain----- XD!

I would Also like to be a cat for a day, that'd be cool, Yum....Mice! XD

If i were to be an Inanimate object for a day though, I'd want to be a popsicle...No, wait, A Poison popsicle, Why you may ask? 1-Because i'd be able to relax in the freezer on a hot day, and 2-a poisonous popsicle so people would know to stay away from me, and let me freeze in peace. :rolleyes:

acid~ rain .............. a poison popsicle? how clever! lol and by the way mice..yum? yuk! lol

who is jared leto? ]

a stick ................................................................................................... COOL!

I would be Frank Iero because hes funny and awesome at Rhythm guitar

(The guy off My CHemical Romance)

Hey didn't Hugh Laurie play that guy in Music & Lyrics??? Or was it someone else? (the guy that Drew Barrymore (I forgot who she played in it) liked?)

Anyways, I'd love to be Miley Cyrus for a day!!!!!! It would be sooooo cool!!! Plus, since I have the Special Edition Soundtrack of her first CD, there's a DVD in there with Special Features and stuff, so there's a video of her showing everyone her tour bus! Even though it's small, IT'S SO COOL!!!!!!!! (lol) XD

i still dont know who hugh laurie is........and i havent seen that movie music and lyrics. But i'd also want to be kt tunstall because i LOVE HER!

i still dont know who hugh laurie is........and i havent seen that movie music and lyrics. But i'd also want to be kt tunstall because i LOVE HER!
hugh Laurie is the guy who Plays House...on the show House. (He also Plays one of the Robbers in 101 Dalmations,and the Father -Mr.Little- in Stuart Little)

Or i would like to be colbie callot or whatever, cause she can play guitar really well, and she's awesome!

I would like to be me but the opposite gender for a day.

Because that would be funny.


I reeeeally hate this kid in my class. He is such an idiot, and he threw a bug at me once! I'd like to know what goes through his evil mind, I'd choose him.

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