Why are perfect people PERFECT?


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Feb 19, 2006
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Ok so I have always wanted a phone unfortuatly my family is not that well off so my dad can not afford to get me a phone and my (ex) bff knows that. But she still calls to brag every single time she gets something or her brother gets something or anything like that you know what I mean? Ok so she gets the phone I told her I want and calls me and is like "Oh My Gosh! I got a phone Hannah for my early Birthday! Can you believe it? I am so happy!!!!!!! (Ihave no phone and she knows) You have a phone right Hannah?" "No Sarah and you know that." "Oh really. I am soooooo happy I have a phone now should I take it to school??" " Uh nooo you might damage it......" "Your right, but I want to show everybody!!!!!!!!" "Well that's you. I wouldn't take it to school." "Yea your right I just want t oshow you my phone is sooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooool!!!!! Can you believe I got a phone?????!!!!!!!!????????" "No I can't.... Hey I gotta go ttyl......" "Bye! Oh yea I got a phone!!!!!!!!!"

Ok back to the subject. How WHY? are perfect people soooo PERFECT??? I mean she is skinny beatiful perfect grades popular!! RICH! And you know what really ticks me??????????????????????? The guy I like and I told her I like she goesa talking to him like he is her best friend or something! I was sooooo mad when I saw her I just wanted to cry! I mean I really liked this guy.... REALLY!!!! Oh yea did I mention she is a cheerleader....Her first cousin is the Popularist girl in school... Yea she knows she is perfect and she rubbs every last bit of it in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this kind of person my friend? Or should I move on??

P.s. Post your popularity stories. How do you get through it ect.....


TamagotchiKnowItAll :)

Obviously she is NOT perfect- she needs a reality check and a class in do's and dont's in a friendship.

She may indeed be your friend but it sounds like she could turn on you any second. We all know people like that and they can be real pains. I'd say, find some knew, more balanced friends. You can still be friends with her but if she isn't going to quit her attitude you might want to let the relation grow a bit distant.

I'm sure she was really excited and maybe she didn't realize she was bragging. If she does this kind of stuff again, make sure to tell her you don't appreciate it.

Hope all goes well for ya. :}

And that makes her perfect, how.......?

It seems to me that this girl is trying to make you feel bad. And that is the kind of person you should try and stay away from. Just ignore her, and move on.

It's the halo effect. Pretty people seem to be more sucessful and perfect then not perfect people.

It's the halo effect. Pretty people seem to be more sucessful and perfect then not perfect people.
I'm not saying your wrong or anything, but that might not be for every case. But anywayt back to the case, that can sometimes happen. It's just over-excitement, I'd give her a week max to see if shes going to calm down about her cellphone. If she doesn't then I would say give up on her.

Nobody's perfect. My cousin is like the most popular girl at our school, and she is very very nice (anyone know Tamasweet2?). If you have a toxic friend, say good-bye to her!

She cant be your friend if she's that mean. No one is perfect. If someone would be perfect, that would be just.. Just ignore her calls and ignore her at school.

No one should deserve a toxic friend.

Ya she isn't perfect nobody is I say she's a big brat.

she needs a reality check and a class in do's and dont's in a friendship.
What tamaw/pants said. She's a showoff. I wouldn't hang out with her anymore. And some cheerleaders are like that I don't like some cheerleaders they sometimes end up super rude and stuff.
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Ok so I have always wanted a phone unfortuatly my family is not that well off so my dad can not afford to get me a phone and my (ex) bff knows that. But she still calls to brag every single time she gets something or her brother gets something or anything like that you know what I mean? Ok so she gets the phone I told her I want and calls me and is like "Oh My Gosh! I got a phone Hannah for my early Birthday! Can you believe it? I am so happy!!!!!!! (Ihave no phone and she knows) You have a phone right Hannah?" "No Sarah and you know that." "Oh really. I am soooooo happy I have a phone now should I take it to school??" " Uh nooo you might damage it......" "Your right, but I want to show everybody!!!!!!!!" "Well that's you. I wouldn't take it to school." "Yea your right I just want t oshow you my phone is sooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooool!!!!! Can you believe I got a phone?????!!!!!!!!????????" "No I can't.... Hey I gotta go ttyl......" "Bye! Oh yea I got a phone!!!!!!!!!"Ok back to the subject. How WHY? are perfect people soooo PERFECT??? I mean she is skinny beatiful perfect grades popular!! RICH! And you know what really ticks me??????????????????????? The guy I like and I told her I like she goesa talking to him like he is her best friend or something! I was sooooo mad when I saw her I just wanted to cry! I mean I really liked this guy.... REALLY!!!! Oh yea did I mention she is a cheerleader....Her first cousin is the Popularist girl in school... Yea she knows she is perfect and she rubbs every last bit of it in my face!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this kind of person my friend? Or should I move on??

P.s. Post your popularity stories. How do you get through it ect.....


TamagotchiKnowItAll :)
Don't be friends with an idiot like that (no offence) but really, I hate boasters. She's not perfect, perfect people don't boast :)

Well, I wouldn't call that PERFECT. She's way too self-centered. You probably have some things about you that makes you better than her. But don't brag about it, that'll make you closer to perfect.

And YES do not be her friend! If you keep being her friend then you'll end up like her too!

Thanks you guys! That helped even more any way she called last night... Still bragging on her phone.. So I guess I will take your advice and leave her but i dont have anyone else to go to.. There are 9 girls in my class... and it is not and all girls school it just tuned out that way.. but there are 4 girls that are 2 dorky for me i got to know them so i am not a bad person they are still very wierd.... the other too are WILD ppl they sit with the populars so i cant go to them + i dont like them and the last girl.. well lets just say she was shipped to my school for a reason...........

Hmm, maybe instead of just ditching your friend you should talk to her about what she is doing. Tell her that she seems to be bragging and that you would appreciate it if she would not make all of your conversations centered around her new phone. Be polite to her, of course. :eek:

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