Why are you called your name?


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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2008
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Well, my name is Holly, and it's because I was born near Christmas. And my dad wanted to call me Anne.

An I have a brother. His name is Zach (Zachary) and there was no reason. He was going to be called Hamish. But dad didn't like it. (That'd be cool, Hamish and Anne. My nickname would be Andy.)

Say, if you where born onand airoplane, you could be Sky, if you were born and landed on a mat (ow), you could be Matt.

I have two questions:

1. Did your parents call you your name? (eg. Holly, because I was born near Christmas)


2. What would your name be if it wans't what your name is? (eg. And I was going to be called Anne)


My dad LOVES norweign gods/goddesses... So I was named after one. Skadi. :3

My Sister's name is Thora, from Thor. xD

Uh, I dun know. I'll ask my mom.


I was about to be named Clara or Freya... I WANT THE NAME FREYA! D: That'll be my middle name. >:3

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Janna really has nothing behind it. My mom decided to pick a strange name.

Later, we found out, it just so happened to be my grandma's first name on my dad's side. She was usually called Deeny, though, from her middle name [Denise].

Um, I'm not sure. my parents had 2 names picked out, Nathan if I was a boy and Danielle if I was a girl.

And I turned out a girl, so guess what my name is.

My first name is Katherine (I go by Kate, though). I was named after a saint, as all the people in my family are. My middle name is Anne, because I have a ton of relatives with that name.

I was going to be named Elizabeth or Emily, but my dad didn't like those names. :D (And neither did his family)

^ My name is Katherine as well! Only I prefer to go by Katie. :D

It was decided right away that I was to be called Katherine. My mom liked the name and it's after my grandmother, Mary Katherine, on my dad's side.

Nicola, because my sister had a friend with that name and my dad liked it.

I was going to be called Gabrielle, but that's too eewey.

I have no idea why I was called Jess ^_^

My middle name, Louise, is because a few of my Aunts' middle names are Louise too.

If I wasn't called Jess, I would have been called Emma or Emily.

My name is Felicia because my parents liked the name.

If I was a boy my name would have been Nicolas. If it wasn't Felicia, I don't really know.

My mom was watching TV late at night when she was 8 months pregnant, liked the name.

I have the oddest confuzzling name. I am Sarah Michelle *lastname* but i've always been called Michelle. Hard to explain so I just hyphenated it so i'm Sarah-Michelle.

I was going to be named Lexii because my dad wanted to be able to call me Sexii Lexii. Its one of my nicknames now!

I wish I was Lexii.

Mum wanted to call me Dezirose but dads all like 'Too odd.'

Michelle. Because my father was obsessed with the Beatles, and he loved the song 'Michelle My Belle" xP Cute, i know ;3

Dont know

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My name: Ksenia

Theres not much behind it. My mum just chose a name which popular in RUSSIA! But I was born in AUSTRALIA! So thats weird..people cant even pronounce it. But theres not much of a story behind it.

I was going to be called Irina or Ira. My dads mums name was Ira so my dad wanted me to be named after her.

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