Why are you so crazy about Tamas ?


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Mar 18, 2012
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I'm interested in what attracts other people to Tamas. Why do you keep playing them ? What makes you obsessed ?

Is it the cute characters ? The nurturing aspect ? Having something to check on constantly ? All these or other things ?

Please discuss ;)

(Personally I think the nurturing aspect is the biggest part of my interest).

the cute characters, that i have someone to care for feeling.

the adorable shell designs.

i just plain out love tamagotchi :mametchi: :newmametchi: :mimitchi: :marumimitchi:

I have no logical explanation.

But really, I think it's that I've always been obsessed with imaginary pets and such, and Tamas are tangible (Sp?) and tiny and portable, all of which I'm looking for. :)

Because they are utterly ADORABLE (most of them, anyway... :p ) and they make the best friends you could ever hope to have. :)

They give me something to look forward to, I wake up in the morning and my reason to get up is to check my TamaTalk stuff and care for my Tama. My best friends are on TamaTalk, and my parents can't make you guys stop being my friends, although they used to try. Tamas are also an interesting pet; I know I have a very cute guinea pig, but she's 6 years old (human equivalent of 85) so she doesn't really do much apart from squeak for food and be stroked. The ducks on my pond are also very interesting, I give them names and I even raised an abandoned baby duck, Sunshine, but I love Tamas too. The ducks come and go and often die for no reason, and very old guinea pigs are kind of boring, but my Tamas are always there for me and I know the males aren't fighting over the females and possibly killing each other while I'm at school, like the ducks do. ;)

~ Dazzmina ~

They give me something to care for, something to nurture . The nurturing part is really the biggest aspect of my obsession. I also enjoy having something to work for, to reach a new level in collecting.

Also, the characters and animations are adorable!

I've always been a collector of things and Tamas have always been one of those things... probably because they were a big part of my childhood and again in middle school when the V1s were first released. But the reason I've always liked them is because it gives me something to care for that depends on me to look after it. I feel like I always have a tiny little friend in my pocket and when I'm having a bad day I can always remember that and it makes me smile. Another aspect of my love for Tamas is probably the fact that I can take them anywhere and everywhere I go each day, be it work or a friends house or the dentist or whatever have you - and they're always right there. And then the various versions and shell designs just make everything a lot cooler as well.


So many reasons to love Tamagotchi! :lol:

Very interesting question. And I have an interesting answer for you. Lol well im 25 so tamagotchi came out when I was like 8.. And it was a part of all kids my age and olders, childhood. But n e ways what got me started again 2 and a half yrs ago collecting was when I was (unknowingly) pregnant with my now 2 yr old son. Lol and then when he was born I kinda fazed out of it, (being busy and all). But a few months ago, all of a sudden I got all obsessed with the little egg toys again. I didnt know why.. Haha and guess what me and my fiance found out.. Yup were expecting baby #2 on July 13th. ( which were verrry happy about btw) So you might be right, maybe we ( tama collectors) all have nurturing personalities or something. Cause thats what tamas seem to bring out in me. Haha Hope my story didnt confuse n e one. P.s. I also like any thing miniture and compact. Hence, tamagotchis! Lol

Ha ha :) That's a good one Aliciavz88. It could be a 'nesting instinct' coming out :)

With me I think it may actually be cos two of my kids are teenagers now and I need more things to look after :) Even though I'm male I am a very nurturing person and that is a big attraction of Tamas.

Also - like you mentioned - they are cute and portable.

I can't understand people wanting an iPhone version of a Tama - it just wouldn't be the same. The fact that it is JUST a virtual pet and is small enough to carry (apart from TMGO!) makes it much more appealing in my mind.

I totally agree Stroodochi, portable and small is fun. Im not really into all the big fancy ipads and phones. Back to the basics is more fun for me, like seeing the pixels and what they can do. lol Even though i do enjoy my ID L's alot! Ironically my ID L's make me miss my tamas with the pixels. I hope you get an ID L soon so we could see whats your opinion of it. They are starting a tamagotchi group hatch tomorrow with just tama-gos ( https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/179873-first-tama-hatch/ ), you should join us since you said you liked playing with them (even though they are big). I havent run my tama-go in months so thats why im joining the hatch, maybe it will help me get over the size of it. lol

I do love the characters in the Anime and the DS games and think the art-style is very cute but I think having a low-res image makes you use your imagination more. And being in a self-contained 'egg' you can carry is a big selling point IMHO.

I do want to get an ID or a Tama Color but am still thinking about what one to get (need to read a few reviews and maybe start a new thread asking peoples opinion). I'll be sure to check out the tama-go hatch ! :babytchi:

I think it has something to do with nostalgia. I used to play these all the time with friends in elementary school and found about the new color versions. Before I knew it I had ordered an id L 15th anniversary for $110 shipping inc (Yeah, impulse buy). Haha.

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The innocence. The simplicity. Life gets so complicated as you grow older yet Tamagotchi stays simple and innocent where innocence is often lost. Tamas remind me to remember the little things in life and cherish them because the truth is that the little things usually end up being the most significant things in the end.


(*This is a repost of my reply from the other thread that got closed.) :nazotchi:

Life gets so complicated as you grow older yet Tamagotchi stays simple and innocent where innocence is often lost.
That's a nice statement Owl - you sound older than your years, but in a good way :)

I too find them a pleasant distraction from the sometimes stressful pressures of adult life B)

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I think Tamas just put the jot in my life. Everytime I start one up its a new adventure. Just with how happy all the characters look its simply adorable. I love how each of them are different in their own way. Plus I am not allowed to get a pet, so Tamas are just as cute as a real pet.

You see I'm allergic to pets and my mum doesn't want to clean up all that poo, so having a tamagotchi is much easier and is a pet! =)

They are adorable and even though I HATE babies and little kids (probably the only person alive that does) They make no mess and dont slobber all over you or annoy your living brains out

They are like my friends. I think what attracts me to them the most is the fact that you get to raise little characters and watch the tamagotchi grow.

I do own real pets, i guess tamagotchi is just like another pet to me :) But of course i love it just as much as my actual pets!

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