why do you like tamagotchi?


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I love tamagotchis 'coz they're soooo adorable!! :wub: I'm easily attracted to cutesy things, and I love pets! :D and it also reminds me of the fun times I've had in elementary school, where me and my friends/classmates would play with them during recess.. makes me smile everytime I remember those days ^_^

They are adorable and just looking at the cute characters warms my heart. They make me happy and I enjoy having them around. I guess it's a bit of a... mother instinct thing? Though I don't want to have any children, but this is just as well.

I also have some dolls here. I just like having cute things. And since you can actually play with the tamagotchis, it's even better.

So, they are like friends and pets in one, without being too stressful on yourself. They also take me back to my childhood and make me feel innocent and kinda protected? They make me feel like I'm a child again and don't have any worries in my life. ^_^

I can be a negative at times, Tamagotchi just make me feel better when I play them. Another reason is I love having pets but really don't like the work that goes with them. Tamagotchi are mess free.

I like tamagotchi because I don't have any pets and not many real friends >_>

I like a lot of the characters. That, and they're fun to play with, too! :D

I like them for a lot of the reasons stated above, as well as the many different versions there are. There's something for everyone with Tamagotchi.

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