Why does the version 3 tama have an antenna?


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Why does the version 3 tama have an antenna?

  • It is used to connect to the internet

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  • It can connect to any type of electronic

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  • I don't know, but I like it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It is just a decoration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where is the antenna?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • duuuhhh doeeee duuuuum!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • *drools and stares*

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i think is just a decoration or to connect better with another tama

none of the above.It's just the same shell that the japanese used for the Keita. See this.


Only on V3 it doesn't do anything.
:huh: :p :rolleyes: how exactly do you know that? I didn't check out the link but what the heck is a "Keita" anyway? :p Im not saying that your wrong but I can't be sure...

(I think it's just a decoration)

:( :wacko: ;) how exactly do you know that? I didn't check out the link but what the heck is a "Keita" anyway? :wacko: Im not saying that your wrong but I can't be sure...
(I think it's just a decoration)
If you check the link you will see exactly what a Kei-Tama is.

If you have any friends with a clear-case design V3, you can see that there is nothing inside the antenna bump. This is an example of a clear-case design: https://tamagotchi-connection.info/store/B0...ear_Yellow.html

yeah, they're copying the keitai... I'm not sure if it even did anything on the keitai either, it just made it resemble a cellphone. ;)

Its so that the inferad rays can go long. It's not like the v1's and v2's because they can only connect close up. Duh :D :lol:

I took my tama apart. theres no wiresin it or any thing. The entama had an anntenaa so banai gave us one too. its just a decoration

TO connect to the internet. Don't you get it. How can it be that your name on the tmagotchitown and your tama be already put. Unless the company can see into the future. it is imposible for someone to have already put all of the password on the internet and also in your tama. Because hoe the company can know before you even think of buying your tama. That thats the one your are goin to select and what username your going to put to it. The antena sends a signal to the copany with your username snd then the company sets it in and creats your own space in the internet with your only in the world passwords etc. And one that is created the company sends all the paswords back to the tama. THAT IS MY OPINION AND WHAT I THINK THAT IS FOR.

:( (Holds up V3)See? It's a decoration :hitodetchi: .(Tries to connect to the internet)(CRIES)WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I think the atenna is there for decoration and alaso to be able to tell the tamas apart! It dosent connect and is not a real antena that u connect and stuff. It is decoration and makes the tama look kool!

-Cat2525 :)

TO connect to the internet. Don't you get it. How can it be that your name on the tmagotchitown and your tama be already put. Unless the company can see into the future. it is imposible for someone to have already put all of the password on the internet and also in your tama. Because hoe the company can know before you even think of buying your tama. That thats the one your are goin to select and what username your going to put to it. The antena sends a signal to the copany with your username snd then the company sets it in and creats your own space in the internet with your only in the world passwords etc. And one that is created the company sends all the paswords back to the tama. THAT IS MY OPINION AND WHAT I THINK THAT IS FOR.
If it did that it would be very cool but sorry to say that it's just a decoration.

duuuuuhhh doooeee duuuuhhhnnnn! *drumroll* I'm not sure. Maybe to make it like a *show off*

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