why me!


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Sep 5, 2005
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OK my best friend is in 5th grade and she pooped in her pants!!!!!Yes she pooped in her pants!!!Now everyone hates her and call her names!She can't make any friends because nobody wants to be her friend!!!Before she pooped in her pants she and I were like the most popular girls!!!Almost everyboy had a crush on us now nobody likes her and she is sad!!!People are making fun of me for being her best friend they start to say "Don't hang around her her poop will rub off onto you!"I want to help her but I have no idea what to say.What should I say or what should she do?

Accidents happen. Unfortunately kids are cruel and don't seem to have an open mind about these things. Our bodies don't always work the way we want them to and accidents happen...at all ages. Teasing anyone because of an accident is down right rude and immature.

Vsnowflake, the best thing (and probably the only thing) you can do for your friend is to stick by them. This is the time they need a friend the most and they will appreciate you being there. In time it will pass. Some other drama will happen and someone else will suffer instead. It's just a matter of waiting out the rough times.

Bell Sprout is right. Besides, I'm guessing that your friend may have had some medical condition making her do that, or she was sick, or maybe the teacher didn't let her go to the bathroom.

The kids at your school are obviously being jerks because something like this has never happened to them. Trust me, something embarrassing will eventually happen to them, and they'll feel bad about torturing other innocent souls.

Yes, the thing your friend needs most right now is a true loving friend to stick by her. And if she isn't making friends because she did (you know what) then that should be ok because if they don't like her because she (you know what) then they would never be a true friend to her. I mean look at you, you are still her best friend and by her side. i mean sure you might think it's a little gross, but all you have to do is wait it out. Something else will come up and no one will ever know it happened! ;)

Hey I am sorry to tell you guys this...but this post is a joke.I made the whole thing up.Where did I get the name?Well I chose my worst enemy's name.Because that day she made me so mad I wanted to get revenge.So I decided to humilate her online.I know I shouldn't do it.But I already did.So that's why I am leaving tamatalk for good.

There is no need to leave TamaTalk over something like this. We all, at one time or another, do something that we are not proud of, something that embarasses ourselves. It only makes us better people when we realize that what we did was wrong. It's a lesson learned. In the end, you told the truth. That still makes you a good person. There is no reason to leave Tamatalk.


*Lesson learned, Topic closed*

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