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Thanks for the advice, but i have read some gross stuff about meat, and some of the deases (SP?) it cancause...It can cause bad things...Like gingervitis and stuff....That is what is pretty gross

Thanks for the advice, but i have read some gross stuff about meat, and some of the deases (SP?) it cancause...It can cause bad things...Like gingervitis and stuff....That is what is pretty gross
Don't become a vegan because you think meat is gross. Becoming a vegan can cause serious damage if you don't do it right. Wait one min. and I will get some links, Here they are:::::::::::

1st website

2nd website

3rd website

4th website

Last website

hope this helped


~~~EDIT~~~ Some of that stuff looks yummy, LOL. Just before you start make sure this is really what you want to do and make sure your parents are okay with it too.

HTH(hoped this Helped)

once again TT101

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There are some people who eat fish but not pork, beef , chicken ,turkey or other meats. Being a vegan will make you healthier but you should only do it if you really want to. If you start only eating vegatables for like 2 weeks and decide it;s not working for you eating meat again may mess up your body because your body has gotten use to the vegtables over the two weeks. But what do I know I'm not a vegan. XD

Again I post my wonderful vast of knolledge!! LOL

Just because you're veggie doesn't mean you can't eat yummy stuff ^^*pokes links above* those looked pretty darn good even 4 a meat eater like me. The thing is are you going to be able to resist that juicy steak that your mom/dad is having when all you have is a salad??? Make a list of pros and cons and talk to a nurse, doctor, counceler, or parents about going all out into veggie land. PM me for more links and support, or just if you need someone to talk to. It will be a tough road to go down if you decide to you have to stay strong but you CAN do it, You HAVE the WILL-POWER. Keep all of TT posted on your decisions,


P.s you could start a web site, blog, or fourm and put it in your siggy to get all aroung support 24/7!!! I have a truckload of more Ideas for you so PM me

again TT101

I totally understand you, but If you feel sick in ANY way, then well.... turn veggie :) Thats all I could tell you :D B)

'meataterian'...the little evil voice in my head says 'idiot' (what a stupid word) but I say your a carnivore. Which is bad, read the stuff on www.goveg.com. You'll quickly change your views on meat, hey I'm not saying for you to go vegetarian but it'll change your idea of farms.
I think it was just a joke lol. I wouldn't take it too personally.

Yeah,I sent my mom *Who is now sleeping GRAHHH* an email saying "I was thinking about becoming a veggie, what do you think

feel free to say no and coment

Love you]Crowfrost" or something like it

No reply GRAHH

Your going Veg? As in Vegetarian? THATS GREAT! I'm Vegan and I can give you some pointers. Here are some pros and cons.
-PROS of being Vegan/Vegetarian-

1. You over-all feel better/healthier, my allergies almost COMPLETELY disappeared when I went Vegan.

2. They say you have an extended life-span. About an increase of 3 years or more.

3. You get thiner, but not in a bad way (usually, but sometimes people get really thin). I lost about 20 pounds! I'm now 123 or so...

4. Your hair is stronger and your acne break-outs are not as bad.

5. You glow, (not laterally!) You skin looks healthy and you are more lively.

6. Extended stamina. I can now run all-out for 30 mins, before that was imposable for me.

7. If your Vegan/vegitarian your helping animals and the environment. Check out www.Peta.com, www.goveg.com or www.Peta2.com

8. as strange as it sounds, your SMELL changes. You don't stink so bad when you sweat and your BLOOD even changes smell...(or maybe its just me...) Also you don't get plaque    on your teeth as bad and your breath is WAY better.

-CONS or being Vegan/Vegetarian-

1. You might need to take vitamins.

2. You might not be able to eat-out anymore at certain places or eat at school.

3. You might get really thin.

4. You might have trouble getting enough protein, some stores may not sell tofu or soy protein.

5. Vegetables don't last more than a week in certain fridges.

6. You might be/get to regular. Might lose weight or get dehydrated from diarrhea.

7. You can have health problems such as Iron deficiency or weight problems.

I eat absolutely, no meat or animal products (meat, eggs, milk, butter, cream, gelatin, fish, poultry, egg whites, jell-O, etc...) I read EVERYTHING on the back of food labels and research a new food for weeks before I eat it or buy it. I can't eat at school however, but I counter that by making my own meals of fried tofu and Asian vegetables. I don't wear leather or wool either. Anytime you want to ask me anything about your diet/new foods or sites feel free to do so, you should PM me if I'm online on Tamatalk, or send me an e-mail.

Its super great your thinking about going veg, keep me posted I can help you get started. I've been Vegan for 2 1/2 years and I'll tell you...ITS THE BEST THING YOU CAN EVER DO FOR YOURSELF AND THE ENVIRONMENT. Good luck. :p

1. you can still eat meat and stay healthy. In men meat is a main parto f their diet as well as women. Ever think you just HTINK if you go vegan your allergies will go away? I dont think meat has anything to do with it.

2. HEALTH helps you live longer.

3. you shouldnt have to cut out meat for you to stay healthy. Ever think of just working out?

4. No true. Meat has nothing to do with acne. What you eat like sugar and what do. And as for hair, eating veggie's doesn't do SQUAT for it. Actually taking CARE of it helps.

5. Keeping yourself healthy in general helps your skin. I've never seen a vegan that "glows" I'veo nly seen some that look pale.

6. Once again...keeping yourself healthy in general will help with that.

7. PETA SUCKS. D< they kill more than they save.

8. showering helps ALOT with that.

I eat meat. I cant stop eating bambi or wilbur and his barn-yard friends.

Going vegan is a choice of life-style, but if your going to change that's fine go for it.

But once you do you have to compensate for the lose of the delicious thing that is called MEAT.

And if your going to be an animals rights person, I hope you live in the woods somewhere if you really care about animals you wouldnt live in a house.

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....1. you can still eat meat and stay healthy. In men meat is a main parto f their diet as well as women. Ever think you just HTINK if you go vegan your allergies will go away? I dont think meat has anything to do with it.

2. HEALTH helps you live longer.

3. you shouldnt have to cut out meat for you to stay healthy. Ever think of just working out?

4. No true. Meat has nothing to do with acne. What you eat like sugar and what do. And as for hair, eating veggie's doesn't do SQUAT for it. Actually taking CARE of it helps.

5. Keeping yourself healthy in general helps your skin. I've never seen a vegan that "glows" I'veo nly seen some that look pale.

6. Once again...keeping yourself healthy in general will help with that.


8. showering helps ALOT with that.



I eat meat. I cant stop eating bambi or wilbur and his barn-yard friends.

Going vegan is a choice of life-style, but if your going to change that's fine go for it.

But once you do you have to compensate for the lose of the delicious thing that is called MEAT.

And if your going to be an animals rights person, I hope you live in the woods somewhere if you really care about animals you wouldnt live in a house.
Agreed. Especially with the PETA statement.


I am not a vegetarian, however, I think I may become one. Why? Not for my personal health (because becoming a vegetarian will not help your health in any way), but because I don't like the taste of meat or fish, and I like animals. I only eat meat about once every two weeks anyways, why shouldn't I just stop eating it all together? I probably won't though, because I used to be anemic, and need a lot of iron. If you want to become a vegetarian, talk to your parents and doctor to see what's right for you. If you do go ahead with the choice, make sure to still get the appropriate nutrition (get lots of protein, iron, and other stuff you get from meat). I would definitly not reccomend becoming vegan while you are still growing, you need lots of calcium and other nutrients that you cannot get from vitamins and tofu.

Yes, My dad said not to be a vegan or a full time vegetarian yet cause i am still young but we will talk with my doctor *Crosses fingers*

I'm not a complete vegitarian. But I will not eat ground beef- it's not healthy and honestly, I think it's disgusting!

Cinderpelt :blink:

i don't eat a lot of meat, actually i can't remember the last time i did. I don't consiter myself a vegitarian though, because i am not devoted to it. I might become one later in my life. I was one for a while and i have to admit i felt a lot healthier. :blink:


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