wierd tamagotchi


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Active member
Aug 6, 2006
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i went to a garage sale yesterday and i found a tamagotchi id never seen before so i got it. it was about the same size as a tamagotchi mini. but after looking it up for a couple hours i found out it wasnt. i have no idea what kind it is. it has a date on the back it says 1997 i dont know haw to post pics but i will if you tell me.

You can't post pictures on TamaTalk, but you can post a link. Host the image of the tamagotchi on a site, like ImageShack.us, and post the link you get.

What does it look like?

hmm I got one that was like that..... was it one that you can pick your tama? I got one like that then found out it was fake so i threw it away.

i went to a garage sale yesterday and i found a tamagotchi id never seen before so i got it. it was about the same size as a tamagotchi mini. but after looking it up for a couple hours i found out it wasnt. i have no idea what kind it is. it has a date on the back it says 1997 i dont know haw to post pics but i will if you tell me.
All real Tamagotchis will have "Bandai" on the back.

the one that you picked up was probably a fake. It has basically the same properties as a real tamagotchi so you can treat it as u would a real one or u can torture it like some people do . That is NOT me by the way but sum people do. I find it completely horrible but sum people take pleasure in torturing them. UUGGHH. It makes me feel SICK!!! NEway if u want 2 get a real one get it from a store. But you can have almost as much fun on a so-called fake. They still work and everything. Tamas are still the best but those who cant afford 1 will hav 2 make do.

If it has the BanDai name and 1997 on the back it may be one of the original tamas - lots of people collect them :furawatchi:

I am going to give you a link to a tamagotchi web site that has loads of photos of different types of tamas on it - Tamenagerie.com - perhaps you will be able to ID it from one of the many tamagotchi photos?

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