Wii-Internet channel


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Before the end of june,it was free.Yes,i do think it's worth it because what if you're internet on your compiter was down,but your wii was working fine? You could use the internet channel to go on your favourite sites...like tamatalk.

Its sure Worth It.

Nintendo Need To Bring Out a wireless key board for the Wii.

Beucase when i am typing on it my arma ache so much. :(

And it would be much easier on a normal keyboard.

Before the end of june,it was free.Yes,i do think it's worth it because what if you're internet on your compiter was down,but your wii was working fine? You could use the internet channel to go on your favourite sites...like tamatalk.
if the internet ix down, the channel wont work :(

I think its good, But I dont need to use it since I just use my Laptop I recently bought (Its so cool!).

Also, it was good since it was Free.. (Well, For me anyway.)


It isnt that awesome really.. Sometimes its slow, hard to type things and its just easier to do it on your PC

the wireless keyboard is a must! yes, my arm was aching, also. But a possible way to fix that is move the wii sensor to below the tv so you won't have to really move your arm so high. The internet channel is great, but setting it up for me was a total pain! ^_^

the wireless keyboard is a must! yes, my arm was aching, also. But a possible way to fix that is move the wii sensor to below the tv so you won't have to really move your arm so high. The internet channel is great, but setting it up for me was a total pain! :angry:
It Was Really Hard To Dowload All The Channels To Make The Internet Work On The Wii. Most Of The Time I Just Stick With My P.C Its A Lot Easer.

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