Wii Music


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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2008
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This is the Wii Music Topic (WMT) where we can chat and rate this game.

You can see Shigeuru Momometo(what ever his name is) visit a Kindergarten class in Japan and him and the kids play wii music. P.S You can see this 13 minute video in the Nintendo Channel on your or MAYBE you'll see it on Youtube.com,or wii.com. Wii Music looks Very Entertaining for Kids and Adults(V.E.F.K.A.A) Thats why its on my Christmas list.

My rating right now:




Everthing else-100%

Final Decision-100%

[SIZE=21pt]I got News![/SIZE]


You can play about 60 different instruments and you can send your performances to wii friends and they modify it and send it back!!!!!! BUT your wii friend MUST HAVE WII MUSIC in order to reiceve and edit performances.

Jay942942,Mini 500 and Applemonkey please buy wii music before or on Christmas day so I can send you my performances!

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This is the Wii Music Topic (WMT) where we can chat and rate this game.

You can see Shigeuru Momometo(what ever his name is) visit a Kindergarten class in Japan and him and the kids play wii music. P.S You can see this 13 minute video in the Nintendo Channel on your or MAYBE you'll see it on Youtube.com,or wii.com. Wii Music looks Very Entertaining for Kids and Adults(V.E.F.K.A.A) Thats why its on my Christmas list.

My rating right now:




Everthing else-100%

Final Decision-100%
Oh yeah! his name was Shigeru Miyamoto.

Oh no...yet another game I have to remember to get...

What is Wii Music?
a wii game that lets u play instruments (over 60 including piano,sax,DJ,b-box,Guitar etc.) and record performances and now you can send it to wii friends via wifi. You can perform songs like Yankee doodle or Super Mario Bros. Or you can "Play with Tutes" when u play a pattern you made and CPU players join the beat with different instruments. More info at www.Wiimusic.com :D

Nah. Im going to be sticking with something like RockBand.

Plus, If I need instruments to play. I'll just grab one from my Garage. Theirs absolutely loads of stuff in there.

I dun know.

I mean, you can do music yourself, with an ACTUAL instrument.

That's just me.

NOWAIT! Can you play Tuba? *Gets shot*

Yup Yup! Tuba,Vibraphone,DJ,Sax,toy piano,piano,bbox,rapper,Guitars,Drums,and way more! over 60 playable instruments. Can u form a group and not get booed if u mess up in real life or on rock band. NOPE...EXACTLY.

Yup Yup! Tuba,Vibraphone,DJ,Sax,toy piano,piano,bbox,rapper,Guitars,Drums,and way more! over 60 playable instruments. Can u form a group and not get booed if u mess up in real life or on rock band. NOPE...EXACTLY.
NOWAI!!!! I'd love a Tuba. <3.

But what. o___o How DO YOU play Tuba on a Wii Remote?

I'm asking for Wii music[and a wii] for christmas. > : ]

And actually... My 6th grade chorus teacher taught me this, he said "If you mess up...Its okay. Nobody knows your line!",


And playing ANY instrument takes talent, so people shouldn't boo those people who DO have that talent to play an instrument.

I think u press A and press the 1 and 2 buttons to play. It looks easy!
Not sure...

The clarinet looks easy.

I tried out an ACTUAL tuba. It's not easy. You need to be strong to hold an actual one, and with a controller, it shows nothing. I'm gonna end my rant so I don't get hated for. C=

Ps, I'm not strong, but I'm not....err.... weak. D8

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Handbells with two or more players is fun. The looks the Miis give each other when someone misses a note in the HandBells are funny.

Some of the "instruments" in the Jam Sessions are silly but fun. CheerLeading as a percussion instrument? Cat suit? Dog suit?

Two players simultaneously conducting is fun too. Especially if you can get the orchestra all mixed up.

Unfortunately, here comes the rain to dampen your parade. Wii music is very gimmicky, and an ancient setlist dosen't help it. Sure, there is 60 instruments, but a whole lot of them are either gimmicks or impossible to play without a notechart. While you can't fail, there's no sense of accomplishment. Besides, to get all those 60 instrumets, you're going to have to create a whole lot of unskippable replays. Yeah, sure, it's fun for those who aren't old enough to cross the street themselves, but everyone else should skip this.

Graphics- 16% Low, even for Nintendo's standards.

Audio- 12.4% Horrible.

Gameplay- 10% Pathetic at best.

Replayability- 1.4% Why would you be playing this in the first place?

Overall- 10.7% Stick to Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

If you like this game, don't go ranting off about how my opinion is different. Take my opinion with a grain of salt.

Stick to Guitar Hero or Rock Band.
:eek: Why so serious? It's only a game. Your life doesn't depend on getting a good score. Relax, gather three giggly friends and have fun with it. :p

Unfortunately, here comes the rain to dampen your parade. Wii music is very gimmicky, and an ancient setlist dosen't help it. Sure, there is 60 instruments, but a whole lot of them are either gimmicks or impossible to play without a notechart. While you can't fail, there's no sense of accomplishment. Besides, to get all those 60 instrumets, you're going to have to create a whole lot of unskippable replays. Yeah, sure, it's fun for those who aren't old enough to cross the street themselves, but everyone else should skip this.Graphics- 16% Low, even for Nintendo's standards.

Audio- 12.4% Horrible.

Gameplay- 10% Pathetic at best.

Replayability- 1.4% Why would you be playing this in the first place?

Overall- 10.7% Stick to Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

If you like this game, don't go ranting off about how my opinion is different. Take my opinion with a grain of salt.
well thanks... just come in a topic saying stuff like oh this game lame just because its not a violent killing game like GTA,well thats real mature, yep...get all mad because I made a topic about a game u dont like.

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