wii Tamagotchi game


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What is a wii?

Yours Sincerely,


:0.....the wii is the biggest game revolution EVER! go to nintendo.com to find more on it. YAY a new wii game coming out! if its not going to america soon after the american wii realease, ill just go to play asia or something and import it. Like I did with my pokemon diamnond and pearl :)

I'm getting a Nintendo DS light for my birthday! With Animal Crossing! :) :( :eek:

Yours Sincerely,


ya it is and it is $250

lol ya it is and it has cool games and more and cool

i know alot with the wii i know wen it is comeing out!!!

wanna see wait 1 sec now look down.

i know soo much and im geting it!!!

its comeing out in


for north america.

it comes there first

ok there is 1 more date

ok this 1 is for

japan and more have the same date


have fun :( .

I hope it's also sold in America. My brothers going to get a nintendo WII.

I'm also getting a Wii, For christmas.. MarioGalaxy and Call Of Duty 3 are gonna be the first on my list.. =P

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