will someone please post a good groth chrat?


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Hey, I was looking at one of the sites that Rock'in Robotchi posted, the first one, and so far I've gotten Puchitchi>Marutchi>Young Mametchi. Does that mean it's almost guarenteed that I am going to get a Kusatchi??

Hey, I was looking at one of the sites that Rock'in Robotchi posted, the first one, and so far I've gotten Puchitchi>Marutchi>Young Mametchi. Does that mean it's almost guarenteed that I am going to get a Kusatchi??
you are more likely to get a mametchi if you take good care of it. you will probably get masktchi if you take bad care of it

if u take perfect care from now on u should get mametchi.

i dont really think itsneccessary to post something like, wow! thats a really good site! after about ten ppl have sed it alredy. no offense intended, i just thought id mention it.

I disagree but okay sicky.....If someone asks for a site somone gives it to then they are totally atharized to say thanks or good site!

Siz :pochitchi:

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