windows movie maker


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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2006
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i have a pretty old version of windows movie maker if anyone else has this can they tell me how to add music and subtitles over the pics?

Tell me what version of Windows movie maker you have and maybe I can help.

I actually don't really think there is an "Older" version of it...Since it only first came out for the XP.

But ok I'll try to explain and see if it works out for you.

~How to add music

♠First Import the music from your computer. It should say " Import Music" on the left toolbar.

♠Just find the music you want from your computer. (It should be in one of your folders)

♠Once the music is uploaded, if you look in the middle of the screen, there should be a little icon with a note on it. (You might need to scroll down to the bottom if you already have pictures uploaded)

♠Once you have found the little icon with a note on it, click it, and drag it down to where you put the pictures.

♠There! The music should be playing now, once you start the movie!♥

~How to add subtitles

○If you look to the left toolbar, there should be something that says "Edit" movie or something.

○If you look there, there also should be something that says: "Add credits or titles" to your movie.

○Click on that, then a menu should pop up.

○There will be a whole list of stuff its asking.

○Since you want subtitles over your pictures you should click on the wording that says: "Title over your picture" <---(I don't think it actually says that, since I don't really remember what it says...But it says something like "Title over your ----" Lol I remembering this over the top of my head!!)

○Once you click on that, another thing will pop up, but it'll let you write what ever you want to say over the selective picture.

○Once done it should go over the picture you want. And if not, just drag and drop it on the picture you want.

O.O PHEW!! Lol that took me like 10minutes to write! XD lol o.o

how do i tell which version it is? i can give u dis thought on my computer screen is says "hp pavilion v50c" does dat mean anything?

and anime dats the newer version myn doesn't have in port music or anything

i got it i fiddled with windows movie maker 4 like 2 hours and i finally got it thank god -.-; phew thx for da help everyone

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