Windows or Mac?


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Windows or Macintosh?

  • Windows!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Macintosh!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Why?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I like windows XP, isnt it the same thing as windows? :(
windows is a more generalt term.


windows:windows xp



'neways, i like windows, macs are hard to use X.>

alltho i've heard they dont get viruses.

I prefer Windows, Macintosh (Mac) is more fitting when you go to work or something.

I currently use Windows Server 2003. But I wanna use Windows Vista, it looks so awesome. :(

macs are, to me, very confuzling, so i dont use them!



last week i actualy got the connection between the mac computer and the iPod!


lol, nice, i know!

I've got Windows XP... but I've had every version since 3.1! More because it came with the computer than for any other reason. I have heard that Mac is far more stable and I wouldn't mind perhaps trying it one day.

I am on Windows at the moment but I will be getting a Mac shortly. I am so excited. :nazotchi:

Mac currently have many features that Windows will have in the future (in Vista). In fact it appears that Microsoft is copping Mac. Mac have things called widgets, and in Vista (whenever it comes out) they have a thing called gadgets which basically do the same thing (and sound almost the same) but Macs already have them.. Lol. :eek:

Plus Macs don't really get any virus' at all, so that is also another good thing.

I'm not going to vote because I am on Windows but want a Mac. Lol. :D

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I prefer Windows, Macintosh (Mac) is more fitting when you go to work or something.
I currently use Windows Server 2003. But I wanna use Windows Vista, it looks so awesome. :(
I like macs for their graphics, but practicality is lacking with them. So I stick with windows.

That...and this is a bit of a stereotype but so far it fits...the 4% of the north american population that uses macs hardcore are a little off their rockers. Person on another forum I go on we were friends, and we were trying to fix up my logs on my virtual pets so she could also view them. I asked her if her pc would be less picky if I make the page a certain way. Next thing I know it I'm getting personally attacked because I critized her "baby". A definite WTH here. She ended the friendship over a question of function. I've met others in the past as well that are a bit nuts like that too.

I would not want to turn into THAT lol. So another reason I lean towards windows more lol.

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