Woah buddy.


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Nov 12, 2007
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One of the older characters came along with a younger character and all of a sudden it said "do you love?" So I just said yes because I wanted my tama to have a lifelong soul mate. Then there was fireworks. And now I've got a kid or something.

Am I supposed to feed this baby tama or what?

What do I do with it?

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Well basically you don't have to do anything with it.

You keep on playing with your other tamagotchi pet.

Untll your Tama has past away, you are now have to look after your baby tama.

When you Tma ahas past away you have to name it.

Hoped I helped!

Kind regards Codebreake.x

well this just happened today, but i get this. um.. first what type of tama is your tamagotchi? violetchi?mametchi? ummm once you connected, and had fireworks, u have a child! u have to take care of it until the next 1 or 2 nights and leave your tamagotchi on at night sleeping so that the parent can leave and the baby can stay and you will be on your next generation..this happened to me today and i get it! hope i helped! ~AngelBaby~

Oh, that's precious.

I have an Androtchi.

I don't want my robot to die!!
I believe that Tamagotchi don't actually die, they just return to the Tamagotchi World. In your case, your Robotchi/Androtchi would return to the Tamagotchi World so you can care for its baby. Nope, this isn't a Famitama.

The older character that visited your Tama was the "Matchmaker". The Matchmaker visits when your Tama is growing old and doesn't have a partner. She will bring your Tama potential partners to marry and have babies with. If you accept a partner, your Tama will have a baby.

After a day with the new Tama, the parent Tama will leave and then the baby will be under your care. You will name it, it will grow, play, eat, etc. until the Matchmaker visits it. The whole cycle will start again.

Hope I helped,

Memetchi Dreamer

The old tamagotchi was the Matchmaker, also known as Otokitchi. She mated your tamagotchi with another tamagotchi of the opposite gender. The parent will take care of your tamagotchi for 24 unpaused hours, but you have to take care of your adult.

the second night after it had it, your adult will leave, hence starting another generation. :rolleyes:

Nicholestevens,Well basically you don't have to do anything with it.

You keep on playing with your other tamagotchi pet.

Untll your Tama has past away, you are now have to look after your baby tama.

When you Tma ahas past away you have to name it.

Hoped I helped!

Kind regards Codebreake.x
The adult goes away,not dies!


When your Tama meets with another Tama ~ either from the Matchmaker, or another Tamagotchi you know of and have connected to ~ they give birth to two baby Tamas. The parent will stay for 24-48 hours and then will leave the baby, and you have to take care of that Tama, making you on your 2nd Generation if this is the first time. The older Tama will feed the younger one while it's still with it, but you need to clean up it's poop and stuff.

Hope I helped.

Best Wishes,


Look yhou do NOTHING!

If youre tama eats wait and he/she will feed the baby

In 24 hrs the parent will fly away and you will start youre 2nd generation and have a parent.

After 24 hours you adult tama will leave and you can take care of your baby tama but if you dont want the adult to leave you can pause it every night and it cant leave because its paused

hoped i helped :furawatchi:

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