Woah, Year Up, No SATS


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Lunatone O.O

Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Oliva, Valencia, Spain
Well, I'm in Year 5 now, and when I move to Spain, I'm getting put in Year 7. So I miss my SATS test and I'm gonna be the youngest. :D Any help For August?

Ask if you can be put into Year 6. If you can't keep up then it's not fair to expect you to! Ask the principal or get your parents to ask for you.

I suggest you and your parents talk to your current school and get them to give you a list of areas covered in Literacy and Numercy subjects during year 6, so that you can do a bit of review work with them before you start your new school...

It's always a bit nerve wracking starting in a new school, so it would be good if you can feel confident that your Maths and English levels are good enough to keep up in the new class. If you're not worrying about how difficult the school work is (and having to do loads of homework so that you "catch up" to the Spanish Year 7 work), then you will have more time to settle in, make new friends and get to know the school and local area ;)

In any case the SATS tests are more for your current school to show the performance levels of their pupils. Your teachers will already have a good idea of what level in the national curriculum you are achieving with your Literacy / Numeracy / Science :angry:

Hope you have fun in Spain :unsure:


year 5? SATs?

well, im in year nine atm.

im gonna do my SATs in two weeks...eek. -scared-

but these are really important for when im in year 10.

^-^' i feel old xD

im 14 and a half btw :angry:

In my School. They put us in groups for some lessons. (Im in Year 8) I have to do my Sats THIS year!.. A year early, Same with GCSE's.. I have to do them a year early also.

Well, I don't know what all the initials stand for, but first of all check out whether the curriculum for Year 7 in Spain is the same as Year 6 in your old school, after all, maybe it is just to avoid you doing the same things over and over again. It is true that the age question can be a bit difficult, especially if you are the youngest. If you have any problems with bullying etc, you should tell a teacher/adult immediately, maybe see if beforehand you cannot be put in a group your age.

Another thing is, is missing these exams good, or is it going to be in any way bad in the future? I am just wondering if when trying to enter University/get a job etc, do they ask specifically for SAT results/check you have done them all, as in, is it an important document for the future, or is there any other kind of test you can do in its place? I am afraid I do not know much about it, but I want to help.

Still, I myself next year am going to be moved up a year. I will start next year in Year 9/3º ESO(2007), but I will finish in Year 10/4º ESO (which also includes PAI + final ESO exams) (2008), so I will be technically a Year ahead of the people from my class.

Technically, So will I:

Becuase, One of the groups in my school (Which I am in) Does there Exams a Year early. (Year 9 Sats, But I do them in Year 8) And then my GCSE's, which I should be taking in Year 11, Will be taken in Year 10. According to my Brother, I am Technically already in Year 9. Since year 7 and 8 were combined.

Well, I don't know what all the initials stand for, but first of all check out whether the curriculum for Year 7 in Spain is the same as Year 6 in your old school, after all, maybe it is just to avoid you doing the same things over and over again. It is true that the age question can be a bit difficult, especially if you are the youngest. If you have any problems with bullying etc, you should tell a teacher/adult immediately, maybe see if beforehand you cannot be put in a group your age.
Another thing is, is missing these exams good, or is it going to be in any way bad in the future? I am just wondering if when trying to enter University/get a job etc, do they ask specifically for SAT results/check you have done them all, as in, is it an important document for the future, or is there any other kind of test you can do in its place? I am afraid I do not know much about it, but I want to help.

Still, I myself next year am going to be moved up a year. I will start next year in Year 9/3º ESO(2007), but I will finish in Year 10/4º ESO (which also includes PAI + final ESO exams) (2008), so I will be technically a Year ahead of the people from my class.
It's bad, because (I have NO CLUE what will happen in the future) a SATS test is one of the most important tests.

Well, I'm in Year 5 now, and when I move to Spain, I'm getting put in Year 7. So I miss my SATS test and I'm gonna be the youngest. ^_^ Any help For August?
so will you leve this site?

my advise:

do extra work ( ask if you can stay in school for a bit longer


I don't get this, so i don't have any advise. lol. (wait, your doing SAT's and you love pokemon still?! COOL!)

Well if/when u go if u don't keep up u can wait for a report or u can saay 2 ur parents I'm not keeping up as well as I think I should or something like that. If u really can't do it and can't convince ur parents talk to ur teacher at the time. If ur really worried also talk 2 te teacher u have now.

Maybe just get some extra tutoring before you go into your new school so you'll be at the same level as all the other Year 7 students. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be just fine.

ooh skipping a year, well i think that you should do some rivsing(sp?) and ask at your current school before you leave for some test papers which you would have when your in year 6. I dont think there ovally important although i would still do extra work it may sound boring but it could help in later life

also before you go to your next school do some extra work see what the works going to be like and catch up so you will ready before you go

final tip if your not good at spanish then i think you should learn a bit just in case they speak in full time spanish

ooh skipping a year, well i think that you should do some rivsing(sp?) and ask at your current school before you leave for some test papers which you would have when your in year 6. I dont think there ovally important although i would still do extra work it may sound boring but it could help in later life
also before you go to your next school do some extra work see what the works going to be like and catch up so you will ready before you go

final tip if your not good at spanish then i think you should learn a bit just in case they speak in full time spanish
I do know Spanish. But I'm going to an english school.

Oh yeah, My Year 6 Math is covered.

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