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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
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Here are some tricks on paint, found on some random video on youtube-

Open up paint,

Use the brush tool and click CTRL and + on the num pad- The brush will get bigger! <3

Use the - on Numpad to make it smaller.

Right click a colour, get the erasor and start drawing- it will be the colour you picked!

Now, draw a little squiggle any where on paint, but a box around it (https://i15.tinypic.com/6xazuwm.png), click on image (At the tool bar on the top) and click Draw Opaque, now, hold down shift and move the box around1

Its so fun, it cuplicates the picture! <3

EDIT:: I knew something was missing, zoom in at 6x or 8x, and press ALT+G together, you'll get gris, that helps with pixeling. :p

Those are all of the tricks for now, it's so amazing.

Please, if this is in the wrong section- feel free to move it, But I thought Non-TamaTalk was the best place to put this. :D

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I love dupilcating tha picture. xD Thanks. :]

I know, isn't it amazing! I thought that the video was fake, but I tried it and tit worked! <3

Your welcome, Lily= Draw a little s, its so cool! xD;

Yup! Its great isn't it!

If you don't get it or need any help with it just PM me, I'll tell you in more obvious ways.

I'll be right back, I think there is something missing on what you can do. Hm.

Yeah, I'm having trouble with the squiggle and the box, what exactly am I supposed to do? I drew a squiggle, put a box around it, clicked draw opaque and nothing happened when i pushed shift.

I knew the +/- trick, but the eraser one was completely new to me. :) Thanks for sharing!

Another trick is that when using brush/pencil/drawing item, if you use the right button you turn the eraser on. That way you can switch eraser and paintbrush easily without having to do lots of clicking.

Another tip for nice drawings (quite well-known) is to do a big zoom-in on what you are working on. It is easier to draw well big with a mouse than a further way out.

And with Ctrl + U (most versions) you can resize the size of the drawing. However, it doesn't actually resize properly but cut the bit-map to the size you input.

Stuck in images, or 'boxed' images can also be expanded/contracted with right mouse click and selecting the option.

And - cute Pyro. ;) It is veeeery cute.

I knew the +/- trick, but the eraser one was completely new to me. :) Thanks for sharing!
Another trick is that when using brush/pencil/drawing item, if you use the right button you turn the eraser on. That way you can switch eraser and paintbrush easily without having to do lots of clicking.

Another tip for nice drawings (quite well-known) is to do a big zoom-in on what you are working on. It is easier to draw well big with a mouse than a further way out.

And with Ctrl + U (most versions) you can resize the size of the drawing. However, it doesn't actually resize properly but cut the bit-map to the size you input.

Stuck in images, or 'boxed' images can also be expanded/contracted with right mouse click and selecting the option.

And - cute Pyro. ;) It is veeeery cute.
I use that alot of the time, the big zoom in!

Thanks a bunch for adding to this spiffy, and im glad you've learnt something new! :angry:

Did you no about the grid before? I think they had it somewhere on TamaZone, or TamaTalk, not very sure. :lol:

Thanks about Pyro, its my tamagotchi now- I just reset him. <3 It was a quick doodle. =)

I use that alot of the time, the big zoom in!Thanks a bunch for adding to this spiffy, and im glad you've learnt something new! :)

Did you no about the grid before? I think they had it somewhere on TamaZone, or TamaTalk, not very sure. ;)

Thanks about Pyro, its my tamagotchi now- I just reset him. <3 It was a quick doodle. =)
I just saw the last trick (I must be going mad, because I didn't see it before) - and that one is really cool. *_*

[Just had to make this ♥_♥ ]

I just saw the last trick (I must be going mad, because I didn't see it before) - and that one is really cool. *_*
[Just had to make this ♥_♥ ]
I edited it. ;)

I forgot about that one, i'm sure I put it down before. :)

Aw, spiffy! That's so cool! <3

Your welcome, aswell. This gives me ideas! 8D I'll be sure to PM you with a little something, a drawing, of somesort. -thinks. <3

Hm, Oh! You can also use the +/- thing on pictures, and it makes them smaller or bigger, it's great!

That is AWESOME! I'll be able to make loads of cool things, now! Thank you! ^_^
Ahaha! Glad you enjoyed it TP! Btw, it's FC from TamaParty. <3

Your welcome, also!

Can't wait to see what your going to upload! <3

I knew all that stuff. Not really hard.

I know one.

- Colour the whole area in a certain colour

- Chose a different colour and draw on it.

- Chose another different colour and right click on it.

~ At this point make sure the colour of the drawing you did is in the upper left square, and the eraser in the other.

- Get the rubber and erase the image with the right click instead of the left.

Hey presto! This should replace the drawing colour to the the other colour you chose. Using the paint bucket is probably easier, but this is more fun ^_^

Oh! So thats why it's there.

I always wondered what its for- I thought it looked alot like Aladdin type writing1 :unsure:

Thanks spiffy!

thnx its really good bucuse its hard for me to draw with a small brush
Aw, your welcome! <3

Im glad I could help you out!

I wish I had Paint. I confirmed with my Dad (A Computer Genius) that I don't.

I wish I had Paint. I confirmed with my Dad (A Computer Genius) that I don't.

You don't have Microsoft paint!?

Wow, how did that happen, everybody should have paint. :<

Sorry, ^_^

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