Worst Habits


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I do cuss quite a bit. It used to be that every 3rd word that came out of my mouth was a cuss word, but luckily I eventually developed more control over that. I also have a terrible temper and I panic a lot. I am constantly washing my hands. And lastly, I have to listen to my iPod in the car or I'll get carsick.

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I can't stop biting my nails. =.=

Before, it used to be that I only bit my Pinky nail while watching a movie. Now, it's all of my nails...

My worst habit is: sucking thumb, chewing finger nails, and being in the computer everyday day for a long time. lol. Yea imagine how horrible my fingers should look. Teehee. (my fingers don't look that bad actually)

I swear alot.

Play video games to much

going on the internet to much

watching tv to much

eating when im bored

Shall I go on? xP


Nail-biting, for one.

I also have the weird habit of making faces when listening to music or drawing. I look like I'm about to cry when I draw people crying.

And I habitually lipsinc to any song I know XD

Ooh! And the instinctually cursing and/or random "I like pie/Your mom"s sometimes.

Ahahaha. I'm a weirdo.

spending my mom and dad's money, eating xD, breaking things (by accident), nail-biting, and probably more that I can't think of now. (babygotchi's is the same. ;) I should know, we talk to each other alot. We're almost like sisters, but we're cousins. :( )


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I'd say one of my worst habits is cursing. I curse a lot. I even almost did it in front of my mom once, and since it was one of the moreso profanity-like profanities, I could have gotten in a lot of trouble. All of my friends curse, and I think that's where I got it from. Me and two of my friends are trying to stop cursing but we're so bad-mouthed it's nearly impossible. xD
I'm also very impatient. And I don't like being impatient, because if it gets bad enough, I start cursing to myself. And if I want to stop cursing, I should learn to be patient.
ZOMG, that's just like me. I'm really bad mouthed.

When I was at Sumer Scheme, one of the leaders heard me cursing. He didn't exactly care either. :B

I do this when asked a question:

Other person:"Hi, whats your name"

Me:"What? Kapooza."

I tend to say what, even if I heard the question. :mellow:

I put Mascara on to peel it off when it dries! XD

I call my PC a "Turd Machine" and I yell at my Naruto game when I can't seem to win. Also I have Insomnia sorta, I cant sleep till early hours in the morning, so on weekends when I wanna sleep in. I get yelled at to Babysit >< I can't EVER sleep in unless its a no school day and not a Goverment holiday

I guess my worst habit would be my being reclusive... I hide away upstairs on the computer almost all day. XD My family makes fun of me for it, and my friend's brother called me a computer nerd...

Oh, and listening to my ipod (MCR) for hours on end, until it's dead and needs to be charged fully...

I guess my worst habit would be my being reclusive... I hide away upstairs on the computer almost all day. XD My family makes fun of me for it, and my friend's brother called me a computer nerd...Oh, and listening to my ipod (MCR) for hours on end, until it's dead and needs to be charged fully...

lol. Cool. XD

I've been more and more reclusive lately, only because we're moving and it's extremely stressful.. I'm moving to a different town, and will be going to a school away from my best friend, who I've known since 3rd grade. The thought of not going to school with her anymore makes me want to go curl up and die.

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