Worst Injuries


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I've been hurt so many times in PE class that my brain has come up with this:

I've been hurt in/by (not necessarily in PE):

♥Volley ball (took a ball to the head)

♥Soccer (kicked in the shin, swelled massively)

♥Soft ball (the ball is NOT soft, it still hurts to be hit in the gut with one)

♥Basket ball (once more, the magnet in my head attracted a sport-related object to my face)

♥Swimming (stubbed toe on pool step)

♥Flag Football (guy wasn't watching, ran square into me, making me spin around and fall on my butt. Saved us from losing, though)

♥Sister's Guitar (fell on my foot, inside the case)

♥My Clarinet (reed broke and cut my gum)

♥My recorder (angry brother smashed it over my head ;_; very painful, broke my recorder)

♥Stairs (tripped, sprained my ankle)

♥Steering wheel (just... don't ask...)

♥Tree and weeds(scratched my stummy up when i fell out of the tree and landed in the weeds)

♥Brothers ('nuf said)

♥Nothing (I tripped over it)

♥Duct tape (cut my finger on it somehow)

♥Soda tabs (they're sharp, I tell you!)

♥A dead bee (I stepped on it barefoot)

A box of band aids now lives in my bedroom.
Wow. You have been hurt ALOT gosh....

I've had two pretty bad injuries, not as serious as some of the other people's, but the stories are kinda interesting.

The first one happened when I was two. At the time, my mom was in one hospital with my brand new baby sister, and I was with my Grandma in the playground. I had my Elmo toy with me. I wanted to climb the ladder thingy to get to the slide. My Grandma told me to give her my Elmo, but I refused and started climbing the ladder anyway. When I was almost at the top, I slipped and hit my chin on the bars on the ladder. I ended up going to a DIFFERENT hospital then my sister was in. So yeah, at the end of the day my parents had two kids in two different hospitals. lol.

The second one happened one day before my 8th birthday. My Grandpa has the same birthday as me. I was at the beach with my dad and sister wading in a little stream that lead to the bay. I stepped on something sharp(to this day we still don't know what it was). At first I didn't thin it hurt very much. Then I looked at my foot and saw all the blood. Then I started crying. I had to go to the ER. When I got back to my Grandparent's house(we were there for me and my Grandpa's birthday) I found out that my Grandpa had gotten bitten by a dog. On the exact same day, one day before both of our birthdays. Weird, right?

Ooh, I have another.

When I was about 6-7 years old, my mom and dad were working so my aunt was watching me. She was making me a sandwich and she asked me to grab a butter knife from the drawer to spread who-knows-what on my sandwich. At the time, her husband's parents were living with them, and her mother-in-law had the cord for the cofee maker plugged in through the drawer handle. I pulled the drawer open and the cofee fell and scalded my arm. It hurt so much.

My aunt took me to the hospital and my dad left work and came too. They had me soaking my arm in a tub of ice water. I had to have it wrapped, but I felt so special when my cousin would do it for me whenever I went over there.

I also got an adorable teddy bear tooo!


in 5th grade a girl hit me in the eye and I had to go to the hospital.

and just a few days ago I was at a skating party (I've never skated before :mellow: ) and I kept falling and I got a HUGE bruise on my knee. (XD one of the times I fell my mom said I twisted my ankle but it's always been that flexible)

and in 5th grade someone scratched my leg with a really sharp pencil. it was bleeding alot. (if you guessed it was the same girl who hit me in the eye, you're right. she's done alot of BAD stuff to me)


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Also hen I was about 6, I was cutting grapes and I cut my nail off. Owwies! ;__;

The worst I had was when I stubbed my toe on a brick and ALMOST broke it. I had to have a box around my foot when I was sleeping coz it hurt when anything(even a sock) touched it.

Oh and this year... no wait last year(2008) I spilt boiling water down my wrist and it burnt me badly. And I had to have it bandaged. Plus I was home with only my 13 year old brother so I couldn't do anything but put an ice pack on it until 11 pm at night.

The worst I had was when I stubbed my toe on a brick and ALMOST broke it. I had to have a box around my foot when I was sleeping coz it hurt when anything(even a sock) touched it.
Ow x.x

With as much pain and I've gone through, I STILL hate stubbed toes. It sucks D: Not only does it just hurt in general, but it hurts to walk too. That's just miserable.

The worst thing that's happened with my toes is stubbing one so hard the nail got slightly pushed back. That actually sounds like what happened to you if it hurt to even wear a sock. Not fun D:

My worst ever injury was breaking my leg. I've been pretty lucky, apart from that I haven't had another serious injury. I was only little when it happened too! I had to have a big cast on my leg! Annoying.

I fractured my ankle o_O Yesterday at about 10pm... My brother cryinmg in the night I went into thier room to sort him out my little brothers left his garage out. I fell on my foot somehow Lol. I just randomly started laughing and I was alittle teary too Lolz. Then I had a mild asthma attack because of my laughing but I was in the hosp anyway Lolz I had a cool night. But the weired thing was I had been at Karate in the morning my ankle was fine when I fell like 20 times when I was there...

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Oh, I just remembered something. Two summers ago, I went to the beach, and I got stung by a stingray. It hurt. That's all I remember. Texas has a lot of stingrays. And jellyfish. But I haven't stepped on any.


Phobo-x.addicted.x-x.N e o n

I fell down the stairs today!

I was upset, so I went storming down our carpeted stairs, and about three stairs down, I fall, I'm sliding with my legs out in fornt of me, laying back, and then I hit the landing and kept going (Only on my stomach this time.) down the rest of the stairs (Which has boxes, papers, and sharp things) When I stopped I hit my jaw on the stair, I knocked over the gate, which fell on me, and somehow hurt my hip. So now when I move my right leg (from the hip to mid thigh) hurts badly. I can really walk nicely.

Owch. And my socks had grips on them too. o_O Shoes how much THATS worth.

ohhh O:

I was at my friends birthday

and everyone was in the hottub

but the hottub water was cold

so I got out with my friend

and then I ran into her the her house

slipped on the floor

fell on meh back

and then cut my arm and had to get stiches :'DD

Maybe two years ago, a girl pushed me down the stairs and I broke my ankle xP

A few months back I got hit with a hockey stick, I had to get stitches on my forehead.

When I was six a table fell on my middle finger and it totally crushed it x.x

I recently fell down a flight of stairs.


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When I was Seven, I broke my leg from jumping of this School outdoor climby recess thing.

Plus My Arm was broken when I was 4. Not Explaining How though.

Plus, The Day before Grade 7 Grad a couple years ago, I was messing around outside, and Did a Reeaalllly High Kick, And My Knee hit my Lip, Never Cut it though, but my Chin was bruised, and I had a Fat lip.

A few months back I got hit with a hockey stick, I had to get stitches on my forehead.
Thank you for verifying that hockey sticks make great weapons. > :D

That actually reminds me about this one time at goalie camp, when one of the people from England was juggling hockey pucks and one of them fell and hit his head, and he had to get stitches on his eyebrow. xDD

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