Worst Tamagotchi experience ever...


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The Lost Sean

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
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Back when I got my first V.2, I took it EVERYWHERE with me as I normally do. Before I had bought it, though, I had not played with a tama for a good month or two. I was not used to having one setting in my pocket. I was with my friends one night and we decided to go to the beach to try and rush into the sand really close to the waves and touch them with our hands without getting soaked. When we got there we emptied out pockets in my friends car so or cell phones wouldn't get destroyed if we got soaked... I completely forgot to take out my tama and on my third attempt at trying to touch the wave me and a friend tripped over each other and fell directly onto an incoming wave. Obviously I was drenched and my poor tama was ruined in the process... it sucked because I remember having a very large amount of points and I believe that I was in the 6th generation... :p

So What's your worst tama moments?

My worst experience ever was when one of my new V1s went under a car in the middle of the parking lot at my work. I was down under the car trying to grab it before the car's owner came out.

mine was with my first V1 *pink w/hearts* I was moving off the boat *used to live on one* and I jumped off the boat and onto the dock and the chain on my jeans broke *the one the tama was on* and fell into the river. I would have stuck my arm into the river and grabbed it if it wasn`t for the fact that it was in mid-december and the nearby sewage treatment plant was having lots of sewage overflows into the fiver *ewww... >___<* It wouldn`t have worked but at least i`d still have it. :p


Aw.. that's really horrible. It's probably sitting somewhere down there waiting to be discovered by scientists many hundreds of years from now.

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I went to watch a swimming gala. I got REALLY bored, and decided to play with my tama. I dropped my tama, luckily it landed just beside the pool :blink: then my :( IDIOT :p friend picked it up and dropped it IN the pool.

:angry: :angry:


:lol: :) :( :( :ph34r: :D :D :) ;)

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I went to watch a swimming gala. I got REALLY bored, and decided to play with my tama. I dropped my tama, luckily it landed just beside the pool :blink: then my :( IDIOT :p friend picked it up and dropped it IN the pool.
:angry: :angry:


:lol: :) :( :( :ph34r: :D :D :) ;)
How very rude... you should have called him a Tama Killer...

@~Zunky~Aw.. that's really horrible. It's probably sitting somewhere down there waiting to be discovered by scientists many hundreds of years from now.
lol. Perhaps! but mabye if I take my dad`s REALLY strong magnet down to the marina sometime and drag it along the bottom of the fiver *on it`s rope* i`ll snagg the tama! I prolly won`t through cause of tides and such.it`s prolly moved far from the dropping point. But hey,it`s worth a try ^^ *through it`s prolly algae covered i`ll use gloves untill i thoroughly wash it off ^___^*

lol. Perhaps! but mabye if I take my dad`s REALLY strong magnet down to the marina sometime and drag it along the bottom of the fiver *on it`s rope* i`ll snagg the tama! I prolly won`t through cause of tides and such.it`s prolly moved far from the dropping point. But hey,it`s worth a try ^^ *through it`s prolly algae covered i`ll use gloves untill i thoroughly wash it off ^___^*
It could have gone out to sea and literally became an Ocean Tamagotchi... :)

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lol. Perhaps! but mabye if I take my dad`s REALLY strong magnet down to the marina sometime and drag it along the bottom of the fiver *on it`s rope* i`ll snagg the tama! I prolly won`t through cause of tides and such.it`s prolly moved far from the dropping point. But hey,it`s worth a try ^^ *through it`s prolly algae covered i`ll use gloves untill i thoroughly wash it off ^___^*
hehe. super strong magnet.

Good luck with that.

It would be amazing if you get it. :) ;) :D :D

Itd be cool if the tama went out to sea. I can imagine an octopus havind a go with 8 of them :(

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Tamas do have metal parts though... the battery especially would be attracted to the magnet... if it hasn't completely rusted away.

Tamas do have metal parts though... the battery especially would be attracted to the magnet... if it hasn't completely rusted away.
It will have to be a strong magnet to get to the battery. But it might do it. :) ;)

it IS a strong magnet....a VERY strong magnet :) " *remembers "the incident" with it. hehe that man`s cell phone was fried xP

It could have gone out to sea and literally became an Ocean Tamagotchi... :)
lol! That WOULD be awsome! Whoever`d find THAT tama would be a very lucky person! A free Umino tamagotchi ;)

Oh, this is the day after I got my first tama. ;)

I got it as a present for my birthday. Yellow V3 with colorful stars. Me and my friends played with it like all night cuz it was a sleepover. It was soooo fun. So the next morning, my brother said, "Gimme, I want to play get." And I said, "NO." So, he went to take it from me and I moved it away 2 fast and ended up dropping it. The screen cracked and all those black things were all together and I could only see part of the screen where my tama was moving. Cuz the black stuff was all over the rest. I cried for a really, really long time. And then 1 of my friends that couldn't make it 2 the party came to drop off a present. It was a tama!!! Orange with yellow and pink flowers, still have it to this day, on my siggie. I am so happy, but still kinda sad becuz I named my old tama Razz and I really like that name and wouldn't use it again. And my friend was sad cuz she saved up the money 2 buy it herself. My yellow 1 was on pause 4 a really long time, but them it ran out of batteries. But oh well, I still got a tama in the end!

///Matchy :blink:

My Tamagotchi Connection Version 2:

As you see I only have a v3, and a v4.. So anyways, I was very addicted to my v2, so I accidently dropped it in a glass of water, I cried for a hour. But I turned it in. Turns out that the battery was only weak :blink: !


lol. well at least your tam wasn`t desrtoyed locky!

As for Miss Matchmaker I am very sorry for your loss. But at least you have a tam still!

I have a V3 w/colorful stars ^^"

cool thing about it through you have spare parts!

but it sounds more like the LCD screen broke..if you still have it you could order some replacement ones from bandai perhaps ^^

My worst tama experience. Oh, I definitely know a nasty one.

In 8th grade, I had just gotten a Morino. I was really excited and thought it was the coolest thing, so I toted it around school everywhere, and cared for it in the midst of class. Well, there was this really obnoxious kid who thought tams were dumb. So one day while I was caring for my Mori, he snatched it from me and started pressing the buttons randomly. I asked him to give it back, and he said, "okay," and proceeded to toss it against a wall. It bounced off and landed on the floor. I scrambled to pick it up, totally scared it was ruined - fortunately it was okay. There's a teensy scratch on the screen, but other than that it was fine. (I guess it wasn't much of a horror story afterall. >.>) I hated that kid, though.

The weird thing is, the very next week he brought me ALL his pokemon cards, and just let me have them. x.X


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