wot does a Uravioletitchi look like?


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I sorry dear, but that is a completely different character as far as I know, I could give you the name but she is one of my band members and so I can only see her name and not the type that she is XD I'll try and tell you later, but right now I have to go. Try and look at a couple of the character charts here on TamaTalk in the meantime

Are you playing a music star? theres no uramametchi on a music star
Nor is there an onputchi on a V4.5...

I think you have a kuromametchi, not a uramametchi
They were asking if one of the characters was a UraVioletchi* I believe that they accidentally put UraMametchi in the very first post or something, because if you actually read the title, it says UraVioletchi.

But they do have a Music Star, and Onputchi is a character on the Music Star, as she was in my last Tama's band.

Please read more carefully before you post something, you could really confuse someone and mess them up by accident.

it looks like violetchi but with wings like ura memetchi

but the ura mametchi is different hee got a tail

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