Would it be worth it?


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Nov 18, 2007
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Is it really worth it to debug my tamagotchi? People say that you can choose any character you want, but they live really fast and die earlier? Should I do this or would it be a bad idea?

in my opinion, worst thing you could do. it will make the tama go crazy, sometimes even resulting in the tama never working again. :kusatchi: :chohimetchi: :kuribotchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :ichigotchi: :wacko: :puroperatchi: :marumimitchi: but only some times it will work. so i will never, in my life do debugging.

:puroperatchi: ....... but the name gets me thinking...... maybe there is a bug ( glitch ) that bandai is supposed to be in. :ichigotchi: :marumimitchi: :kuribotchi: :chohimetchi: never mind, though.
Is it really worth it to debug my tamagotchi? People say that you can choose any character you want, but they live really fast and die earlier? Should I do this or would it be a bad idea?
This is my opinion, but I'd say go for it. They only die faster if you leave them alone for longer.

@ cecib - It isn't meant to be in there. I think it's there to program the tamagotchi along with the circuit board wires. (oooh confusing technology)

Bandi uses this to test the tamas befor they get sold and If it is a V3-V1 YES V4-and higher NO

Connexions-cant debug

Be careful

I did with my v4, and it worked all good, i chose the dinosaur guy, and i stopped it from speeding up, and about 3 hours later, it froze and it just stopped working, (i could see me tamagotchi, just it was frozen and none of the buttons worked) :( :D :D :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Concider this....

Okay i debug my tamagotchi. and it didnt go so well .

i debuged it and i got an egg raised it blah blah blah then it had a babby i chosed an adult for a babby.It was the worst it was boring and more active than ever.

And not to inclued hyperspeed.

yes, there is a thing called hyperspeed on tamagotchis but ONLY IF YOU DEBUG THEM.

hyperspeed is when you press the c button.

annd it makes youre tamagotchis freze.and hungrey.

its quite strange.

i had to go back into my tamagotchi becuase i had a dog hair in it :[

and you have to be carfull that the penccil dosent touch any thing else in youre tamagotchi.


annnnd .. its hard to un debug it.

i dunno do what you wish.<3 :D



if you do, use a DULL pencil.

i personally dont want to because i like the suprise element, but if you do, use a dull pencil. that way you wont stab/damage anything with a new sharpened one. i think you can erase it later to un-debug it...

debuggng it's stupid ;) :D :angry: :angry: :angry: you cannot use passwords from tama town! and it destroys the fun of the game!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: undebug it!!!!!!! :angry:


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