Would our kids be playing with the V.24?


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Ura Memetchi

Mar 27, 2008
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:p It would be a scary thought to think of the Version 21!

I can think of it on the commercial:

T T T T Tamagotchi! Version 21! Have tamatown on your handheld tama!.....

I hope that by the time they have had over 20 Connexion versions they change the name. I like how the European Tamagotchi aren't JUST called v2, v3, v4 etc.

I dont think they will survive till v20 bandai will run out of ideas! I still would like one though......

That would be pretty col, but like Starlight said, they might run out of ideas, and eventually stop selling them.

after so long,people will probly loose interest in them,as to the fact the tamagotchi keep getting more and more human like with time...I give them up till V10 before bandai gives up...by then the tamagotchi will be implanted as a microchip in our brain,inserted through our ear...which compleatly ruins the point.

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